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Thenatan releases Tawus and Pump with intro offers


Thenatan has announced the release of two new audio plugins, Tawus and Pump.

Here's what they say about Tawus:

Infinity, Rare, Goto.

4 Layers X 6 Banks X 600 Unique Samples X 14 Effects.

Do you know what that means?

We're very proud of what we have developed. Ladies and Gents Say hello to a New WAY of Sample layering. A New Landscape of Sound Design... the Tawus.

Tawus is equipped with 4 Sampler engines and 14 Effects that allow you to combine 600 samples and create 1 creative unheard sound that nobody else has, a new world of layering that puts Tawus in a different class than any other MultiLayer Virtual Instrument.

Tawus comes with a free sidechain plugin called Pump:

Save yourself hours of tweaking individual parameters, balancing and drawing Volume Automation, and Finding frequencies to create that pumping effect. Pump does it all.

We are very proud to introduce you to Pump.

An easy-to-use, lightweight and creative Side-chain plugin that does exactly what you need it to do, It works by using volume automation, alongside a beat sync rate that follows the envelope you draw in.

with an excellent GUI, that lets you Visually see the Pumping Effect and helps you to demystify the process.

Watch Tawus in action: YouTube.com/watch?v=KQLkpal8G4w

Intro Price: $24.50 (Reg. $79.50). Pump is $50 if purchased separately.

Upgrade offers are also available for owners of Thenatan's Brass, Bells and Black or All new VST Bundle.



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