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Dream Synth Module Plugin by Spectrasonics
Newer Version:
Omnisphere 1

Atmosphere has an average user rating of 4.44 from 16 reviews

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User Reviews by KVR Members for Atmosphere


Reviewed By DevonB [all]
January 8th, 2004
Version reviewed: 1 on Windows

Sweepy, dreamy, tinkly, rich, deep, I could go on forever describing what Atmosphere, and it's that and more. If there ever was a synth that was based on value for money in a per-usable-patch comparison, this has got to be the best $369 you could spend your hard earned cash on. While that price might be off-putting to some, it's a dream come true for those of us who lust after pads, and it delivers the goods. The one thing that would have been nice though is if the slow attacks on the sounds were not already incorperated into the sound themselves, and gave the end user the ability to adjust how fast the attack was would have been a very welcome addition. Also, we're still waiting on syncable LFO's, but still hoping the wait is coming to an end soon. So if you've ever dreamed of rich texture beds to lay your sonic works of art gently into, Atmosphere is the place to rest your dollars in.
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Comments & Discussion for Spectrasonics Atmosphere

Discussion: Active
17 January 2013 at 4:59am

Hi everyone, i will ask something maybe stupid or not, but it would be very helpful for me if you can give an answer.. I'm not a keyboard player, but i use keyboard vsti plugins usually. One of the vsti i use is Atmosphere (spectrasonics), and i've found that the main data file, with the sounds, is a unique 4 Gb file with the .dat extension. I would like to know if it's possible, to "extract" certain sounds from this 4 Gb file and use it with a real synth, or some way to get the wave file of that sounds i'm interested in.

I know it sounds very ambitious but due to spectrasonics atmosphere doesn't exist as hardware, i needed to ask. This question extended to another vsti's as well, like Nexus, or Plugsound......

Thanks a lot for all.

6 December 2013 at 1:19pm

What are you trying to play the sounds with? Hardware I mean?

8 January 2017 at 5:53pm


I am very annoyed : i bought my atmosphere VST in 6 cd on Ebay to an english seller several years before; The serial number and challenge i used worked very well. Then, after several years, my computer was KO ; i have just bought a new one ; the registration of atmosphere doesnt work anymore. I have called spectrasonics : no way they tell me that i do not belong to their buyer base ??? so as my reisgtration number . I have sent them a photo with my 6 cd but no way??? They just advise me to buy omnisphere 2 ... but i cant pay 400 € ; and anyway i have already paied for my VST. I dont want omnispohere ; i jus want my atmosphere. They dont accept. Could Someone help ?


best regards.

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