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Synth (Analogue / Subtractive) Plugin by TAL Software

TAL-Elek7ro has an average user rating of 4.67 from 3 reviews

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User Reviews by KVR Members for TAL-Elek7ro


Reviewed By Knoml [all]
May 15th, 2009
Version reviewed: 1.01 on Windows

TAL-Elec7ro is a great synth.

The user interface is simple and it looks good. It is capable of a variety sounds, as the presets of version 1.01 will demonstrate. Because all the basic waveform shapes are available, you can get everything from trancey crunk leads (saw leads) to chunky basses and it is capable of searing or smooth sounds. Be sure to check the KVR patch database as well.

It comes with envelopes, and LFOs with drop-down menus to sync the LFO speed to a variety of beat types (triplets and dotted note values are even available). LFOs come with intensity knobs, so essentially, it is "dubstep-wobble-ready". In fact, I would love to see TAL come out with an effects plugin that was just the filter and the LFOs, because of those features.

If you find it hard to use complicated synths with many knobs, this synth is not complicated and is easy to learn with. Due to its simplicity, it's easy to take a patch that someone else made and turn it into something unique. With every knob turn you can hear the difference you're making.

EDIT: I realized something that could improve Tal-Elec7ro. It would be useful if when you are changing the tuning of oscillators, if somehow you could see a number value for how many semitones and cents you are actually changing it. Right now you have to fiddle a bit with that.
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Comments & Discussion for TAL Software TAL-Elek7ro

Discussion: Active
13 December 2012 at 9:59pm

I read the description. "Features panic button." I literally fell out of my chair laughing.

13 December 2012 at 10:42pm

Well, I can understand it. I had a bit of a hurry when I wrote it and then used google translate.


14 December 2012 at 12:05am

No real complaints about this. I just wanted to point out something funny. ;) I have heard good impressions about this, though. Rozovian from ocremix recommends this all the time.

24 November 2013 at 9:38am

I'm sorry, I must be missing something, but I cannot see how to select from the presets? I don't see any menu or mention of such an option in the plug-in or documentation. Can someone please help me, because I know I want the Miami 808 and many other preset sounds here.

24 November 2013 at 12:03pm

Unlike Tal's Noizemaker, Elektro does not have its own integrated patch manager. Thus you have to select presets via the buttons of the DAW window, that contains your Elektro instance.

24 November 2013 at 1:41pm

Yes, the method is like said by Fluffy. Here, Professor ;), I have made for you a screenshot of an example using... Miami 808 as preset of Tal-Elek7ro in Cantabile Lite :


To use Tal-Elek7ro, it is exactly the same principle for all kinds of DAWs or Hosts. And of course you can also manage your soundbanks, create new patches and new soundbanks, etc.

18 February 2019 at 2:17am

Not sure why, the .fxp files loaded without problems, but the .fxb ones didn't work. The DrTW are fxp, the other two are .fxb.

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