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Dystopian World for Vacuum Pro

Dystopian World for Vacuum Pro
Dystopian World for Vacuum Pro by AIR Music Technology is a Virtual Instrument Audio Plugin for macOS and Windows. It functions as a VST Plugin, an Audio Units Plugin and an AAX Plugin.
Windows 8 Professional, Windows 7 Home Premium, Professional, or Ultimate edition with Windows 7 Service Pack 1; Minimum Dual Core 2GHz (Intel Core i5 or i7 Recommended)

Minimum RAM 1GB (2GB or more recommended)
1GB free hard drive space (Download and Installation)
A 64-bit compatible host application*
Internet access (Download and Authorization)
Mac: Mac OS X 10.8, 10.9; Core Duo Processor (Core i5 or i7 Recommended)

Minimum RAM 1GB (2GB or more recommended)
1GB free hard drive space (Download and Installation)
A 64-bit compatible host application*
Internet access (Download and Authorization)

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Never-before-heard patches specially made for Vacuum Pro

Dust off over 50 exclusive never-before-heard patches that perfectly capture the crunchy, warm sound of the analog era from Touch Loops.

Taking inspiration from Stranger Things, Depeche Mode, synthesizer epics from Vangelis (Blade Runner) and Boards of Canada, and even the not-so-guilty pleasure The Matrix soundtrack whether you're creating the soundtrack to your dystopian masterpiece or simply want to relive the sounds of yesteryear, don't miss this pack! Ranging from warm and pristine to downright dirty, this expansion pack energizes your music with a fresh injection of top quality sounds.

TouchLoops is a music and sound design company based in Los Angeles & London. Their aim is to provide customers with the most cutting-edge sound elements, instruments, hardware, and software recordings designed by a team of professional music producers, in aid of enhancing your productions. AIR and Touch Loops have formed a strategic partnership to bring you their fantastic content.


This product requires AIR Vacuum Pro virtual instrument.

Product Features:

  • Over 50 exclusive patches from TouchLoops for Vacuum Pro.


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