SynthMaster 3 is KV331 Audio's flagship all-around modular software synthesizer available in VST2, VST3, AudioUnits and AAX formats. It features many different synthesis methods including VAnalog, Additive, Vector, Wavetable, Granular, Phase Modulation, Phase Distortion, Frequency Modulation, Pulse Width Modulation, Ring Modulation, Physical Modeling and SFZ Sample Playback. It can read SynthMaster One and SynthMaster 2 presets, and comes with 900 new factory presets designed by a world class team of sound designers: Arksun, Aiyn Zahev, BigTone, Cipryan Bot, Davide Puxeddu, Demis Hellen, Gercek Dorman, NatLife, New Loops, Nori Ubukata, Selcuk Ergen, Xenos Soundworks, XTD and Yuli Yolo.
{See video at top of page}
Modular Architecture: Each SynthMaster 3 instance can have up to 16 Layers. Each layer can have up to 16 modules, 32 modulation sources and 6 insert effects:
Multiple View Types: SynthMaster 3 provides 3 different views to edit layer parameters:
Granular Oscillator: The new granular oscillator applies granular synthesis on a multi-sample to render its output. The oscillator features up to 16 "voices" with each having up to 32 grains, resulting in up to 512 grains per oscillator. Each voice can have different settings with the help of spread parameters for volume, pan, detune, position, grain length and grain start time. Each grain can have randomization for volume, pan, detune, position, grain length, grain start time and playback direction.
VAnalog Oscillator: The new VAnalog oscillator renders the oscillator shape in real-time using line segments to mimic how analog circuits generate waveforms. It comes with many built-in shapes from well known analog synths. The oscillator features up to 16 "voices". Each voice can have different settings with the help of spread parameters for volume, pan, detune, symmetry, x morph and y morph.
WaveShaper Effect: The new Waveshaper effect in SynthMaster 3 comes with different types of distortion algorithms: Soft Tanh, Soft ATan, Hevy, Fuzz, Fold Sine, Fold Tri, Fold Round, Rectify Full, Rectify Half, Clip and Bitcrush. There is also a Custom algorithm which allows users to draw their own distortion curve.
Phaser Filter: The new phaser filter effect is similar to the phaser effect in SynthMaster One/2. However, as being a polyphonic effect it operates per voice. It uses multiple allpass filters mixed with the input to create phasing effects.
Formant Filter: The new formant filter effect in SynthMaster 3 uses parallel bank of filters to create vowel sounds. Users can select the initial and final vowels (formants) and morph between them.
Comb Filter: The Comb Filter effect in SynthMaster 3 is similar to the digital comb filter type in SynthMaster 2, but with more improvements. The effect can operate in 2 different modes: Feedback and Feedforward. The damping filters in the feedback loop of the comb filter effect can be set in multiple modes: Highpass / HighShelve, LowPass / LowShelve.
Oscillator Unison: In SynthMaster 3; basic, wavetable, granular and vanalog oscillators have oscillator unison. Mix Type, Mix Curve, and Pan Curve are new unison parameters in SynthMaster 3. With the Mix Type parameter, different pitches (Octaves & Chords) can be selected for the oscillator unison voices.
Oscillator Noise Types: The following noise types are new in SynthMaster 3: Pink Noise, Brown Noise, Blue Noise and Violet Noise.
Scaler: The KeyScaler in SynthMaster 2 is vastly improved in SynthMaster 3. It is now called Scaler, as users can select another modulation source as its input (instead of Keytrack) and use the scaler as a waveshaper for its input.
Noise LFO: The new Noise LFO modulation source in SynthMaster 3 can be used to generate sample and hold noise.
Separate Arp / Sequencers: Each Layer in SynthMaster 3 has separate arpeggiator and sequencer. The MIDI input signal first goes through the sequencer followed by the arpeggiator.
Arp / Sequencer Randomization: Each step in an arpeggiator / sequencer can have random values for trigger, hold, slide parameters.
Multi-Channel MIDI Out: Each layer has its own MIDI output channel so that users can route the MIDI generated by the Arps / Sequencers to different tracks in their DAW.
Preset Previews: All factory presets in SynthMaster 3 have built-in preset previews. Users can listen to preset previews in 3 different ways:
NKS 1.5 Support: SynthMaster 3 is compatible with NKS 1.5, so all factory presets are tagged according to NKS 1.5, and they have presets previews.
Waveform Editor: SynthMaster 3 comes with a comprehensive Waveform Editor to edit single cycle waveforms. Single cycle waveforms can be created either using line segments or with free hand drawing. Spectrums of free hand drawn waveforms can also be edited with the editor.
Wavetable Editor: SynthMaster 3 comes with a comprehensive Wavetable Editor to edit wavetables. Wavetables can be created using single cycle waveforms or sample files. 7 types of wavetable effects are available to further sculp the wavetable sound: Spectral Filter, Waveshaper, Modulator, Bender, Shifter, LoFi and Sync. The generated wavetable can be saved in SynthMaster 3's own format, or exported in WAV format to be used in other wavetable synths.
Multi-Sample Editor: SynthMaster 3 comes with a comprehensive Multi-Sample Editor to edit multi samples. The multi-samples can be saved in SFZ format, which is a well documented format to store multi sample metadata.
Here's KV331 Audio's in-depth tutorials explaning all aspects of SynthMaster 3:
A demo version of SynthMaster 3 is available for download from KV331 Audio web site. It is identical to the standard version except the following limitations:
The demo stops working after 30 minutes.
The demo saves presets but they can only be opened with the paid version of the plug-in.
The demo emits noise at every minute.
Exporting multi-samples in sfz format is disabled.
Exporting wavetables in WAV format is disabled.
Samples in Factory Sample Library have 13 bit resolution.
Audio demos of SynthMaster 3's factory presets can be listened at:
Reviewed By DJStriden [all]
August 3rd, 2024
Version reviewed: 3 on Windows
This is a very special synthesizer, capable of almost anything. In fact, at this point in time, I would put it in the top 3 best digital synthesizers ever.
The latest version is straight up op. Want to have an analog modelled oscillator with a digital comb filter? You can do that with this synth. Want to take that oscillator and filter, and run it parallel with a phaser filter, just for kicks?
Let me explain. SynthMaster 2, while legendary in it's own right, was limited by it's semi-modular architecture. You were limited by a set number of modules, and the order they went in. You had 2 layers to work with ONLY. It was a synth with pure potential, but no matter how hard it tried, it couldn't compete with your Phase Plant's, your Vital's, your Serum's...
Until now.
SynthMaster 3 went fully modular, or as modular as it could get while still having backwards compatibility with presets from SynthMaster 2 AND SynthMaster One. Let's just say this change was... Very stupidly overpowered.
You can now have up to 16 layers (yep, their was a limited 2 measly layers in SynthMaster 2), and each layer can have up to 16 modules (oscillators, filters, mod oscillators, , etc). Finally each layer can have up to 32 modulators (LFO's, etc). So if you are counting along with me, that's 256 total modules, and 512 total modulators in a single instance. It may not be EXACTLY as much as "your CPU can handle", but if you fry your PC by capping out the engine, I guess the saying still works?
But what about depth? Because we all know those synths that are wide as an ocean but deep as a puddle. Well, how about a waveform editor? Not impressed? How about a waveTABLE editor? Still not impressed? How about a multisample editor? Now how about splitting them across multiple layers for some wonky sound design business, because yeah, all layers have their own FX section separate from the global FX.
The most beautiful thing about SynthMaster 3 however, is it's genius interface. It is so straight forward, and does not give you information you do not need until you are ready to receive it. It is surprisingly user friendly, for a synth that you would otherwise think would be impossible to achieve any form of simplicity. But it did.
SynthMaster 3 comes with thousands of presets, ready to use out of the box. They are all usable. Some are good only in certain contexts, but they are still usable regardless.
I first purchased SynthMaster 2 way back in 2017. It changed the way I make music. I never thought there would be a synth to rule them all. I didn't know if that would ever be SynthMaster 2, due to minor bugs and inconveniences that made working with it a pain. With SynthMaster 3 however, those pains are gone.
SynthMaster 3 is absurdly overpowered. This is not hyperbole. I say it's in my top 3 synths of all time, but if I'm being honest, it's just my top synth of all time. There is no reason to compare anything to it. It doesn't get better than this.
This is a synth that you can grow into.
This is a synth that can make literally any sound.
This is SynthMaster 3.
Reviewed By VELLTONE MUSIC [all]
July 4th, 2024
Version reviewed: 1 on Windows
Last beta i downloaded and use now is a butter sweet and the synth continue to grow.
Five stars.
The Synthmaster line seems to be an underrated source of wide breadth, high-quality sound sculpting that is also underpriced. I swore that I wouldn't by anymore VIs, but this latest release is extremely tempting. The addition of layers and extended mod sources seems like Unify meets Avenger rolled into Synthmaster.
Thank you for your encouraging comments.
je n'ai pas recu ma licence alors que j'ai acheté le synthmaster 3 a 79 euros et ils m'envoyent le synthmaster 2 player comment faire merci je lai achet" sur plugin boutique.
Is an iOS version planned, and if so, will it be iPad-only or universal?
So, SM3 is ticking all of the boxes for my 'do-it-all' workhorse, as the demo looks pretty darn good.
I'm wondering whether it's skinnable - it's a poor eyesight thing - as 2.9 certainly was ?
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