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MINDst Drums

MINDst Drums
MINDst Drums
What is it?
Operating System Availability
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System Requirements
Intel Core i5 or equivalent AMD CPU, 8 GB RAM (16 GB recommended)
Windows 10
System Requirements
Intel Core i5 or equivalent AMD CPU, 8 GB RAM (16 GB recommended)
Apple ARM64 (M1, M2, etc..) on Apple Systems
License & Installation Method
Voucher / Code for redemption on other website
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MINDst Drums

MINDst Drums (pronounced ״Mindset״) is our ultimate vision for a sampled drum kit, a masterfully tuned instrument, played by a consummate professional, thoroughly sampled and played using our proprietary MINDst algorithms.

Groove, Feel & Attitude: A drum sampler focused on delivering the nuanced world of micro-details that create a truly heartfelt, groove-filled drum performance. Massive Sample Base: 50,000 samples, incredible depth and diversity in every drum & cymbal
Design Your Ultimate Drummer: Choose where to hit the snare, how to play the hi hat and experience a wealth of velocities and articulations.

Not Just One Kit, THE ONE KIT: We sampled a one-of-a- kind DW custom kit, coupled with Doron Giat's custom cymbal series - finely tuned, masterfully crafted instruments.

Mixing Made Easy: Robust drum mixer with built-in reverbs and effects, focused on simplicity and effectiveness.
Compatibility: MAC/WIN/Standalone | VST/AAU/AAX.

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