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Pro Soloist Synthesizer

Pro Soloist Synthesizer has an average user rating of 4.00 from 1 review

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User Reviews by KVR Members for Pro Soloist Synthesizer

Pro Soloist Synthesizer

Reviewed By blatanville [all]
November 22nd, 2023
Version reviewed: 1.0 on Windows

Sounds lovely. Well done. And the presets are great.
there is so much interface space given over to the keyboard and the wooden ears, and even a view of the space around and behind the synth. I get that the idea is verisimilitude to the original device, as far as can be done while adding the extra features, but this insanely wide interface is a problem.
I can see, just at a quick glance, how the main panel controls could be divided into two rows, and the left-hand slider bank and octave switch could be placed below that, and it would be a more compact, screen-friendly design that would also allow for larger knobs and labels (always a complaint I see about Cherry Audio synths are the size and readability of knob/slider position).
Keep up the good work.

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