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RX 11 Standard

Audio Repair Plugin by iZotope
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RX 11 Standard has an average user rating of 5.00 from 2 reviews

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User Reviews by KVR Members for RX 11 Standard

RX 11 Standard

Reviewed By yzept [all]
September 21st, 2022
Version reviewed: 10.0 on Mac

I have owned most of the versions since RX was first released, it is my go to for audio clean up and repair. I was a little disappointed with RX10 Advanced initially, as for the upgrade price it did not seem to offer a lot. However when I gave the Adaptive mode in Dynamic De-Hum a spin it was really impressive, version 9 reduced the level of hum, buzz and harmonics but 10 flat out eliminates it completely. Quite a few other tools seem to have been polished as well. Spectral recovery is also hugely improved and can convincingly supply the missing bass and treble in compromised recordings. If you already own RX9 advanced, this version is worth a trial as it is more polished with some new features that I found unexpectedly useful like aligning auto-generated speech to text words up with the dialog, so I could search easily for a word or passage in a longer recording. This seemed to work best in spoken word recordings, but they will probably tweak it for lyrics in the future. One surprise was the Repair Assistant, which I expected to be twonky and useless. I have found when my hearing is fatigued after a few hours it can be helpful as it suggests good starting settings to solve common problems in recordings. Overall, I would recommend giving it a trial, as you may find as I did that the upgrades are worth the price.

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RX 11 Standard

Reviewed By peferling [all]
May 7th, 2018
Version reviewed: 6 on Windows

Definitely worth the purchase. My favorite is the denoiser, which they've broken out the into two distinct modules, one dedicated to voice and the other for general background noise. It can be a resource hog if you use it in more than one incidence or on multiple tracks, (I edit in PPro CC). But it's well worth it for correcting takes from the field that were shot in noisy environments. It has a dynamic, or adaptive learning mode that has made quick work of long takes. I will sample and tweak in the edit, (and do this as a last step), then crank up the quality slider before rendering out.

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Latest 2 reviews from a total of 2

Comments & Discussion for iZotope RX 11 Standard

Discussion: Active
13 February 2014 at 9:10pm

RX 3 just saved my video.

Here is how I used the declicking feature.


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