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SourceCodeX Ambient Soundscapes

Ambient pad science fiction FX by SourceCodeX Sounds
SourceCodeX Ambient Soundscapes
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SourceCodeX Ambient Soundscapes

From sci-fi inspired themes to horror induced nightmares to super relaxation ambient sounds and weird FX — it is ALL here. 80 specially designed presets by ambient recording musician, SourceCodeX. You are spending about 5 cents USD per each preset. Enjoy.

Listen to audio samples & watch a demo video here: {See video at top of page} and here: YouTube/CEccx3UpZrM

Created by SourceCodeX December 2020 through January 2021.


1) Purchase preset.

2) Download the compressed RAR file.

3) Open with a program like WinRAR.

4) Uncompressed file is a json type file.

5) Open iPad synth app.

6) Select import file.

7) Choose the json file of mine you just purchased.

8) App will import the set of presets.

9) You will find my presets in the list of presets in app.

10) You are all finished! Enjoy the presets.

11) Problems? Contact me at trogotagel AT yahoo DOT com.

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