
KVRDC21: Jade Hochschule FilterDeMystifier - Free Educational Filter Plugin for Windows, MacOS & Linux VST3 & AU

4th July 2021

With the KVR Developer Challenge 2021 at the download and voting stage it's time to focus on each of the 37 entries that are available now, for free, for everyone.

FilterDeMystifier by Jade Hochschule
Windows, MacOS & Linux, VST3 & AU

FilterDeMystifier (no mysteries, just math) is a filter plug-in for educational use. It will show you how a few poles and zeros define the sound of equalisers or vocal filters.

Everything is visualised and you can see the transfer function and the resulting magnitude z-plane in a rotatable 3D plot.

Check out the presets to see what can be realised with this straight-forward GUI.

Please be aware that this plug-in can generate very unpleasant sound, if the security measures are switched off.

Have fun and read the manual, if you are interested in digital signal processing.

The source-code is available at: github.com/ArnoSchiller/FilterDeMystifier

It started as a course work for the final exam in DAFX (Digital Audio Effects) at our University (Jade Hochschule).

Download, vote & donate at

KVR Audio, Inc.