Prototype LFO Tempo Sync

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This is a prototype version, save is disabled cause the features aren't definite yet. The basic idea is that the Master module now has a BPM box, in Standalone mode you can type the tempo in, in Plugin mode it just displays the tempo as reported by the host.

In the LFO you select "bpm" for sync type, then the Rate knob will let you run through different sync settings from 16 bars / 64 beats, down to 64th triplets.

It can be installed over the top of the existing stable version, and you can do likewise to revert to the stable version.

Tomorrow I'm going to look at making the start phase knob act as a phase offset when in sync mode.

Let me know what you think! Or if it doesnt work properly. :-o


Some fool forgot the download link!

Chris Jones


Good news!

I will try to find time to try this asap! Very excited to get tempo sync (and hope the delayFX will get it soon also)!

- Jesse -


DelayFX is next on the list and should be fairly straight forward I think.
Chris Jones


I hope we can modulate the sync setting with another LFO?

PS. Check out this, I kinda liked it:


Jesse J wrote:I hope we can modulate the sync setting with another LFO?
I initially decided against it because it would mean the LFO phase would not stay in sync. By that I mean if you change sync for a while, and then change back to the original, the LFO wont necessarily be in phase with an LFO that has just stayed at the original sync. Say for example that sync is set to 1/1 you know where the LFO will be at every 4 beats, and you'll get the same no matter what, even if you skip to a random position in the song. If the sync is modulatable that goes out the window cause you cant know all the changes and modulations along the way would happen up to a specific point. So while it would be in time, it wouldn't necessarily be in sync. Anyway i'll think about it some more.

The pingable thing looks good, I can see a lot of mileage in something like that. It's on the ideas list!

Chris Jones


sonigen wrote:it wouldn't necessarily be in sync.
True, it would take some planning from the user to keep it in sync.

Some LFOs have both reset and sync. So if you'd have a clock and a clock divider, you could reset the sync, like every 2 bars and be in sync again, despite how much you abuse and modulate the timing.

Shuffling on the LFO would be great too!

And perhaps some of the functions of the bubblesound uLFO where you can CV the sine shape. It's very handy and musical! (except it lacks the reset!)

I think you could perhaps have two LFOs the user could choose from, the regular light one, and then a advanced LFO?


Jesse J wrote:True, it would take some planning from the user to keep it in sync.
Having thought about it for a day i think it might work OK to have the LFO track back into phase over one or two cycles. So if you change it to a different setting you would get a couple of shorter or faster cycles before it settles to the new sync. What do you think?

That said I need work through the details and see whether it can be done with reasonable CPU cost.
I think you could perhaps have two LFOs the user could choose from, the regular light one, and then a advanced LFO?
That's a high probability i think. I want to add more variety and features LFO wise, customizable shapes, modulatable shaping, (and now retriggering & sync like the pingable thing!). So i think that would all be better in a new advanced LFO rather than trying to shoe horn it into the existing one.

Chris Jones


sonigen wrote:What do you think?
There's so many ways to sync! :D

Perhaps a hard/soft sync switch?

If it could be modulated at audiorate, does it become a Waveshaper?

Hmm hmm hmm...

I made a little demo using the bpm sync lfos, modulated the hell out of the host BPM so the soigen tempo sync LFOs got a little workout !D uploading to soundcloud now!

Edit: here:


Need a note rate change option or something
Then it can be used for DubStep style wobbles
It is such a pain to automate LFO rates in most hosts, this would pull all the DubStep crowd in ;)

(Send a second MIDI channel to Sonigen and the notes on that channel would change the LFO rates, so you could play different notes to get different LFO rates)


I have a prototype version working, I'm just testing different methods of getting it back in phase sync. I've tried drifting back in over a fixed time, kind of like phase glide, and it doesn't sound right. And it's too expensive to make the glide time dependent on rate. I am working on drifting in over fixed number of cycles but I am have a suspicion that drifting back in over one cycle will likely sound best.

If that still sounds strange I'll fall back on free running phase, so you can set the noteon start phase as normal, and just the LFO rate syncs to bpm. So it's up to the user to keep it in phase, if they want to. But should rate modulation not be connected to anything it will then fall back to hard phase sync to the song position. So you can get that if you dont modulate the rate.

FWIW i already have phase modulation working, so you can have the lfos in sync but out of phase, and you can modulate the phase, so it can be per voice in a unison set, or controlled by the mod wheel etc... It sounds really cool to have a voice paned each side, and have the mod wheel move the filter LFOs in and out of phase. It's like steady..dizzy...steady..dizzy.. barf.

I have also added glide, so you can smooth off the edges of the LFO shapes.

I should have a demo with it all working in couple of days I hope :D
Chris Jones


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