I'm a producer, and I've had an epiphany

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I'm the kind of guy that has no DSP programming ability, but boy I'm full of ideas, ideas that are sparked from the procedures I follow when mixing. I'm thinking more on the area of EQ right now and one thing I'd like to see in existence these days would be a Layering Parametric EQ with visual feedback.

Let me expand on what I mean.

Let's say there's a Parametric EQ plugin that can read each instance of its self in your workstation inserts. Each time you add this Parametric EQ to a bus, or a send or whatever you like, it shows up in a tab inside each other instance. The graph inside has the ability to allow you to look at two of them simultaneously, with a transparent overlay and compare the analyzer graphs, and allows you to pick a color for each one that get blended in some way to let you see overlapping frequencies where a conflict is located between them.

Each node that the user adds can be controlled with mid/side processing or simple stereo processing. The handles on the EQ nodes can be engaged on both simultaneously and programmed a few various ways. either to mirror each other on the X axis but inverted on the Y axis, so as to cut one is to boost the other, unless the nodes are decoupled on one or both axes, the nodes in the EQ can also be static or dynamic.
The dynamic mode does whatever the user sets it's mode to whether that be to mirror or opposite to the other EQ graph.

The EQ would also allow the user to input a sidechain that takes an incoming audio signal and uses the average level of the sound to sweep through or boost frequencies at a specifiable range, so as to temporarily filter an area when the incoming signal is playing, attack and release times can be specified too. this would be useful for smoothing out artifacts.

The filters would be the common known types, such as highpass lowpass bandreject bandpass high shelf, lowshelf and peak/dip and tilt filters that have adjustable slopes and Q. The EQ filters could be set by the user to be clean and surgical, or dirty and saturated where the level of saturation can be linked to the boost or cut levels of each node, or increased from a saturation knob that is dedicated to each EQ node. The number of the nodes that can be added for each instance would be 8, this way you can have more instances that can have nodes linked. Bear in mind that linking nodes is linkable on X or Y axes, could be one or both axes.

Im not sitting here wanting anything in exchange for this idea, it's an idea that has been done before, I know that there are plugins like Neutron, Track Spacer, and a few others that Sort of act like this. I'm writing this because I've never been fully satisfied with either of those plugins, and would like to share my thoughts. I'm not asking for credit, I'm just putting my thoughts out there, and if someone were to come along and make this plugin, hell I'd even buy it. :love: :love: :love:

Anyone else think that this plugin would be cool or do you have your own ideas on what would be neat? Share your thoughts here with me and we can see what types of ideas come along. looking forward to hearing from you.


Voxengo Curve and Gliss EQs also have much of this functionality (minus the saturation, although there is a Harmonic emphasis filter).

I just bought them the other day for an album project where I really need to deal with overlapping freqs on different tracks.


If you have lot of ideas but lack the programming know-how then I recommend checking out NI Reaktor or Ableton Max4Live, you can do some pretty amazing things without actually coding there.


can confirm. reaktor has taken me far even in my willful ignorance and false pride

a few things... reapers built in eq can sort of do the boost cut thing because of parameter modulation and the eq maintaining phase coherence after the boost/cut. it uses two instances of the plugin and whatever you put in the middle could be nonlinear.

as far as superfast clinical filter cut sweeps thats supposed to simplify your signal, probably not, at least easily. have you ever looked at an fft of a single sine wave with no modulation? have you ever looked at a sine being swept? whenever you start zipping frequencies around to filter the less it acts like a scalpel and more like a lightsaber. or even chainsaw. fir filters are good for that but they don't like to zip around

but, yeah, get max or reaktor, and then get on with it. no one else is going to care, at least about building it. its worth it to trudge along and have a carve at your idea with the razor sharps. itll work or not, but either way you'll figure out why


+1 to using Reaktor
I'm like you man, I have so many ideas for creating my own stuff and I love the idea of having my very own custom synth but I've never been a mathematical dude. Or a programming dude. I've always been a producer and synth nerd, more on the creative side and right brain, while coding requires left brain analytical skills and patience. Two things I don't have :hihi:

Reaktor is great because it lets those two worlds collide, the artistic (music) and the analytical. Now it definently still has a learning curve, it's not somthing you can immediately make somthing incredible in, but it's certainly easier than learning C++ from scratch AND THEN leaning vst development

Max is cool to but the ableton exclusitivity puts me of a bit. I use ableton alot but I also use a lot of FL and Reason and the ability to move my custom devices to the latter two is important to me.

Side note: another interesting up and coming plugin development tool for instruments is HISE, it's free and it digs into some javascript but it's nowhere near as hard to learn as C++ and it's extremely visual,
With synthedit being a very lifeless project (imo at least, haven't made many waves anymore) and flowstone all but dead its probally is the best hope the "visual" style plugin creator industry has right now, aside from the aforementioned reaktor and max of course. both of which can't export into vst.


Winstontaneous wrote:Voxengo Curve and Gliss EQs also have much of this functionality (minus the saturation, although there is a Harmonic emphasis filter).

I just bought them the other day for an album project where I really need to deal with overlapping freqs on different tracks.
How does this work? I mean, is it necessary to route two or more tracks into one plug-in instance, or does the plug-in know the sound of another instance via it's own technique?


You have a global object that knows about all the instances, and you exchanges information through it.
The downside is that of you have 2 projects opened in the same DAW instance, you are screwed.


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