Free Vst Spectrum Analyzers list

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Hello there,

I did a basic listing of all the free vst "spectrum analyzers" i know of.

If you want you can have a look @ Free Vst Spectrum Analyzers

Happy analysing, take care (If i'm missing something please let me know).


Very nice idea! I just knew of Inspector, Span and the smartelectronix oscilloscope.

I think Span is a bit vague in the bass range...but perhaps I just didn't configure it right. I'll try out the smartelectronix spectrum analyzer with the zooming function then...



Last edited by korgsp200 on Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:07 am, edited 1 time in total.


korgsp200 wrote:do you people know any free vu meters other than the psp vintge meter???
no, but i have a question on that: what's the advantage of a VU meter compared to a "usual" volume indicator as found in most hosts/sequencers?


as far as i know spectron is not free :D


updated, cheers





Wow! What a great thread! I'm gonna download like crazy! Y'know what I really, really, reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaly need, though? I need a VST meter that says, "Stormy, turn down that @3#$#!^%! bass drum, you cretin," or "do you really think you need your guitar loud enough to stun cattle at 50 feet?" Short of that, these'll do nicely.
It's better to burn out...than it is to um...well, something, anyway...


Nice one CC4! I was thinking of doing a separate one for standalone applications. You saved me loads of time :>

I think it'll be best if i merge vst and non vst in one

Take care


Villy wrote:Hello there,

I did a basic listing of all the free vst "spectrum analyzers" i know of.

If you want you can have a look @ Free Vst Spectrum Analyzers

Happy analysing, take care (If i'm missing something please let me know).
that list is nearly identical to ... t=1&rpp=15


I'll have to be honest and say that i was not aware of this list. And i feel like i'm spamming, using other people's work now :<

At least qspectrum and spectr are not in that list.

I just used most of my bookmarks and plugins i am using extensively lately, ex freakoscope.

And i was planning to do another one for stereo image monitoring . . . Seems most of the plugins mentioned are in the list ...


Villy wrote:I'll have to be honest and say that i was not aware of this list. And i feel like i'm spamming, using other people's work now :<

At least qspectrum and spectr are not in that list.

I just used most of my bookmarks and plugins i am using extensively lately, ex freakoscope.

And i was planning to do another one for stereo image monitoring . . . Seems most of the plugins mentioned are in the list ...
no problem at all, mate. I've even done so before.

P.S. I use freakascope and smexoscope emensely on every track i make :)


@cc4 - how suitable :P ...nice list...cya


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