Which Elevayta Plugs?

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Hey Elevayta users and Paul,

I just won three elevayta plugins from the Katrina CD preorders and need your help. I can't decide which plugins to choose and its driving me crazy!!

I do mostly audio recording in cubase with lots of vocals and guitars (very little midi work.) heavy metal/rock is my music of choice.

I'm thinking choir boy and wider boy pro, but what else? any suggestions are greatly appreciated. I've downloaded all the demos and given them all a quick run, but i'm still looking for advice. thanks!! and thanks to Paul for the prize :D




I'd go with Space Boy as the third I think. It's pretty cool for helping keep instruments/things from dominating the same frequencies. Might help you as a guitar player if you're doing multiple guitar parts with the same equipment, perhaps. I'm not an expert though, so it's just a suggestion. :) Basically just because it's a unique approach to that type of issue. It's the first one I bought, IIRC. I dunno, keep trying 'em out I guess. You can't go wrong really, they're so affordable even if you end up wanting a different one you're fine.
Regards, Mike



I'd go with Space Boy as one of them, HANDS DOWN. So if you've already chosen the other two, that's the one to get.

If the jury's still out, I would consider substituting Clone Boy for Wider Boy Pro. Wider Boy Pro is a truly awesome plug-in, and I've seen no other stereo imaging programs with its abilities (for any price, but especially considering the price!). HOWEVER-- there's nothing quite like Clone Boy, especially if you're the kind of person who is interested in sonic experimentation.

Wider Boy Pro may be one of the best at what it does, but nothing else DOES what Clone Boy does, ya know? :D


It's hard to even pick a recommendation without knowing your music style and needs, but FreEQ Boy is easily the most overlooked EQ plug-in in the entire KvR database. At first I was fooled, thinking that it's "just an EQ with freehand draw", but it's SOOOOoooo much more than that... so very much more. It can be used as an insane filter, an insane frequency booster, or for HarBal-like Spectral matching. (oh, AND it can be used as a freehand EQ. ;) )

I think you need 4 or 5 Elevayta plug-ins! :D


thanks guys. i ended up going with wider boy pro, choir boy, and space boy. :)




You can't go wrong. ;) Good call on the Space Boy. :D


Get them all! I have 2 more to go till I have the entire collection :D They are very underated. They are very good value already, but I think they really deserve a bundle deal to encourage more people to buy them all.
I dont usually buy effects, they are the only effects Ive bought apart from the Cofx Debaser bundle and e fex modulator groupbuy.


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