democratic Spaceboy

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I am lazy and unskilled in EQing and I figured to use Spaceboy. I am using Albino Synth Leads/Oxiod Lead 2 for a Debussy-esque line. The timbre is perfect, so much better than pianos or harps etc, but some frequencies build up (300-700Hz I think) into a ringing sound most unrelaxing. The problem is to avoid the build-up but keep the timbre. Traditional EQing in my hands basically just lowers the volume. Extreme multiband compressing avoids build up but changes the timbre.

I've split the one line into 2 tracks, alternate notes on each track ready for Spaceboy. Problem is I don't want one track dominant. I'm going to try shallow space as a compromise, apply Spaceboy twice once one way once the other, render the receiving tracks each time then recombine. Hopefully the result will avoid the ringing building up.

What would you do in this case?
I'll PM you with the midi track



Copy the one line onto 2 tracks. Without Space Boy, when played, it simply sounds twice as loud.

Now, put a Space Boy Tx on one track and a Space Boy Rx on the other. Space Boy should take care of the clashing frequencies (may need some tweaking).


so simple, that is a stroke of genius

I used the Vocal Space preset and took Space Depth down to 80%
works a treat even at high volume!

Many thanks Space Boy, top support :D


I've just used the same idea to create a layered bass. Space Boy gets the two different bass sounds to merge into one. This one small plugin solves a lot of problems



Are you willing to post some short examples i.e. a before and after for both your synth and bass?


sure for the synth, delighted. How do I post it?
MP3 or wav, and where do I send it


igloo300 wrote:sure for the synth, delighted. How do I post it?
MP3 or wav, and where do I send it
MP3 is fine as long as the encoding quality is reasonably high (for good audio quality). To make available in a post you need to upload the clips to a web based server i.e. a directory in your own internet homepage and simply make a link to each file within a post here.

Alternatively, you could mail them to me and I will host and post them. Each clip should not be more than about 15 - 20 s long.


Paul, I emailed you with attachments over a week ago but no reply.
Could be thanks to English Microsoft, serves me right for relying on them. Everytime I get the spam test: are you a bot. Typical security pick on the little guy to make themselves look big. Tried again tonight and got the spam test AGAIN, it's worse than the spam they want to appear to be stopping. The samples are on my website but strangely there are problems with that aswell!

sample before ... 513_240419

sample after ... 513_240422

sample after normalized ... 513_240426

the results don't seem as good as before, any suggestions, apart from give up!

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