check out revisit - impulse tracker on steroids

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Instruments Discussion
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hey just wanted to take the opportunity to all ye aude impulse trackers - or even modplug trackers- CHECK OUT REVISIT.

esp the newest version, dev has been working his butt off and it shows, seriously guys if you haven't tried it in a while - try it again. It's freaking amazing... Lots of fixes etc

one noteworthy thing that is ultra cool is pressing # (UK) or ' (US) key to see a small preview of the pattern you work on, and can click around that way to navigate!

heres what I do to set up my "rig" with revisit: press f4, click on midi settings, click output, and which midi channel i want - bam instant connection through whatever host and whatever vsti--- amazing.

you tell me what freaking tracker can get this close to your host!

This is the best ever! And it keeps on gettin better!



link for lazy ones:
i tried it some time ago and was impressed, but it was pretty buggy in bidule. gonna give it a try again.


You know it was damned buggy in Tracktion until I spoke up and am now very close in touch with dev, he helped me out a lot. I also recommend donating. So awesome.



still no luck, crashed bidule to desktop after 5 minutes of work while i was trying out some pattern effects. i really like the idea of tracker as a vst, but this is still too clumsy...very slow response rate for note input, cursor jumps over lines etc. :( anyway, good luck to developer!


it's a nice plugin /tracker but i already use renoise :P
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heh but renoise is a host in and of itself- id rather use my own host :D :D


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