Confused about soundfont convertor

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I am having a heck of a time figuring out how to use the converter. I have a soundfont(sf2) and when i try the converter, I get a *.mss file. However, Maizesampler wants a .mis file. Also, I figure things can't be quite right by looking at the file sizes. The resultant .mss file is only like 27 KB and the soundfont is close to 2995 KB. Big difference if you ask me.

So does it work at all? If so, can someone give me a step by step list. I can not see any documentation on how to do this. It appears to be missing from the manual.

Basically, what I am doing now is on the dialog, I am setting the source to be the sf2 file, and leaving the destination at c:\. (Saw that this had to be this way).



The soundfont converter converts a sf2 file to a mss (maize sampler project) file and a folder called samples containing all wav samples in that sf2.

So you need to load the entire sound library project by clicking the open button on the top of Maize Sampler.


Thanks! I did happen on that after more playing. It wasn't so obvious to ne at first.



It does not work for me. I click on Maize SF converter, and find SF2 file and point it to directory to save, and when I click on convert I get this box below:
Can not find converter, please reinstall Maize sampler


there should be a sfconverter.exe in the maize sampler install folder. Please check if it is there.


Do you HAVE TO use soundfonts, or can you just load in individual wave files per key?



You can use wav files per key. That is the way I usually use it, myself. Actually, WAV files are so much easier to use than soundfonts.



Thank goodness.


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