MenuMagic RC2.0 posted - new multi-monitor support & more

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MenuMagic Release Candiate2.0 ( v0.9.11.11) has been posted for the Beta Team.

Emails have been sent out to all beta team members. If you did not receive your email please drop me a note.


Setup / Options tab - New Section!
"Categorization Settings for new plug-ins"
* 'Try to categorize'
- When checked (the default setting) uses MenuMagic's global plug-in database
to try and auto categorize new plug-ins.

* 'Cleanup Names'
- When checked (the default setting) will try to cleanup plug-in names as they
will appear within Cakewalk Menus.

Both of settings are used when MenuMagic loads and checks for newly added plug-ins
and on the initial run of MenuMagic. To see what difference these settings make you
will need to toggle the setting and restart, without saving your session, MenuMagic.
*Note: 'Cleanup Names' was an automatic setting that was always supposed to be turned on.
See fixed below for notes on recent bug.

Multi-Monitor support (new!)
Added support for Multiple Monitors
If "Restore Last Program Location on Startup" option is used:
- if only one monitor - when MenuMagic loads program. co-ordinates are checked
and if screen is position off visible area then top, left or both co-ordinates
are altered so that entire screen is visible.

- if more than one monitor. Saved position is used.
- No checks are made to see if program is actually positioned on any screen.
This may cause problems on systems where monitor numbers change or if number
of monitor change and the number was and still is greater than zero
- for example if user switches from 3 monitor setup to 2.
This is a possible future todo - for the meantime if this happens user can launch
MenuMagic with command line parameter of: RESETPOSITION and MenuMagic will
turn off "Save Location" option come up centered on Main monitor.

- New - added command line parameter "ForceStartupLocation"
When "Restore Last Program Location on Startup" is used and the
system believes there is only one monitor it will position MenuMagic at the
saved coordinates even if they appear to be offscreen.

- Splash screen will now load in same relative location as MenuMagic.
So if user has "Restore Last Program Location on Startup" checked and
MenuMagic is loading on Monitor 2, Splash screen will load in same position
on monitor 2.

Plug-in Info Grid and MenuMagic Status Grid
- Changed the way the Plug-in legend derives its colors. Colors now are in sync with
Hue & Saturation skin changes made in the Settings / Options tab.

Vista Improvements
- Now automatically runs in elevated privilege mode - with Vista's UAC turned on
you will still need to grant it permission to run.
MenuMagic requires that you run it as and administrator in order to be able to
properly handle your system plug-ins.


Missing Plug-ins
Fixed problem with Calkwalk Analyst and Cakewalk FX Dynamics Processor
not showing up on the plug-in lists.

Categorization bug fix with new plug-ins:
Fixed a bug that probably occurred 6 months ago that prevented the 'Cleanup Names'
function from working. This bug did not occur in debug mode on my development
pc which is why it went undetected.

Project5 v.25 & VST Adapter Menu Creation tab, Menu Preview
- Fixed bug in where uncategorized plug-ins where not showing suffixes.

- Fixed a Menu Preview bug where if a menu item only contained one plug-in
(Cakewalk requires P5 or VST Adapter menu to contain at least 2 plug-ins)
the plug-in would not show.
Note: These 2 bugs were not a problem in the actual created menus, only in the preview.

Sonar6 Menu Creation
- Fixed bug where menu items with only a single plug-in would cause program
error if there zero un-categorized plug-ins.

- Fixed problem where Sonar6 Menu Layout creation screen would go behind other window on screen
when it was unlatched from the Main screen. Now goes to top when unlatched.

Plug-in Info Grid
- Fixed problem with Plug-in Info Grid where once it was initialized it would not update
colors when Hue & Saturation were changed in the 'Settings/Options' tab.

- Fixed problem with Plug-in Info Grid minimizing when unlatched from Main screen.
Unlatched Grid now goes to top behaves properly.
ImageCakewalk/Sonar Plugin Management Tools

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