Audio-recorder VST with drag and drop support?

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Instruments Discussion
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If possible, free.

What I want is an audio recorder plugin that I can put in my DAW's master buss, so that I can sample whatever I want and drag and drop straight from the audio recorder to my VST sampler. Very much like "Anarchy Sound Recorder" except with ability to drag and drop into sampler.

Also, a recording slots function would be nice, that is have 6 or 8 slots and you can select a slot and record and later drag and drop from this slot.


Well, it's a very specialized sort of VSTi and it's WAY not free, but 112b's Morgana does that.

Maybe if you used an oversampler with it? Check the demo.
Vst's are the glue for my musical monster model. Nuendo is my huff bag.
Organs, lots of organs:


There is a free version. Not sure if it does drag and drop but that seems to depend as much on the host as the plugin anyway.


aMUSEd wrote:

There is a free version. Not sure if it does drag and drop but that seems to depend as much on the host as the plugin anyway.
Are you sure thats right; that's their automated hardware-sampling thingy.

I think it -might- be this you mean:
my other modular synth is a bugbrand


Sorry - yes you're right - I was in a hurry (now late for work)


none of those VSTs do drag and drop. TapeIt v2.0 works in reaper, but doesn't work with shortcircuit.

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