idea mockup: midi ch mute matrix

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Buttons would light up when the channels receive midi signals.

Example: if ch 1 and ch 2 are playing at the same time, mute ch 2, if ch 2 was playing by itself it plays normal



What would it be used for?
wrongtastic, baby
tucson's number one gothic rock band since 1995


insertpizhere wrote:What would it be used for?
Someone could map them some of the grid to switches or something so when improvising live and they want to bust out with a keyboard solo they could hit the foot switch which will mute the midi channel that was passing snare hits to the drum machine or mute the drum machine all together or just whatever part would be too distracting for what they wanted to do at the moment.

I would probably map part of the grid to buttons on my controller so I could quickly make some on-the-fly sequencer variations in a set in a different sort of way than usual.

I think it would be an effect of passion rather than logic.

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