Cantabile on wine

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I am trying to get Cantabile working on Wine (OSX). It is almost 100% working so far except for one thing. Checking here to see if anyone knows a solution for that one thing.

I am using wineskin for the wine part of this, and wineasio for low latency audio into JackOSX. I'm able to get a buffer of 128 working, which is good enough.

Everything seems to work except when I go to the settings window, in the settings window almost every page works fine, and I can adjust settings, etc, but when I select the startup/shutdown configuration page, the program immediately freezes every time. Something in that page is not compatible with wine as of now. Perhaps I need to add something to the wine config with winetricks, or a windows DLL of some kind that will make it work.

Does anyone have any idea about that?

For the time being I am just ignoring that page and if I need to change a setting for that I'll do it in the ini file directly.

So far so good....Cantabile on a mac...seems to work......


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