Buying a Bass Guitar.

Anything about MUSIC but doesn't fit into the forums above.


Cheers... Lot's of good info here.. :)

A friend of a friend has also recommended Warwicks. Just did a search on the net and 4 string passive Warwick Rockbass Streamer would be in my price range (and have been given best buy by Total Guitar).

I think on saturday I'll go to all the local Guitar stores and try lots of different models out.



I'm sorry if I have to chime in these buying instruments threads but a few points to consider. Tuning. Always make sure it's within 2-3% everywhere. The other is probably the most important aspect of buying a bass. Volume balance by string. I won't go into what the physical properties are but bassically(that was intended)cheaper instruments will be out of tolerance with the dimensions needed for a smooth response from the instrument. So what you will get is major deviations in volume and tone when switching strings. This will be most evident when amplified so plug in when trying out electric basses. Just two little things to keep in mind. Good luck though.


As someone said before, it's really gonna be between the Ibanez, Warwicks and the Fenders for the most part. I personally couldn't find anything differences in any of the (under $500) Fenders or Ibanez although I've seen some in the $700 range that were very nice. You won't know till you try for yourself.


Here's my five cents:
If you're buying a bass solely for recording, why don't you go the pawn shop route (or try ebay). I got an old Ibanez roadstarII for 150 E in a local pawnshop, and it's absolutely brilliant for that money. It's beat up and certainly not pretty anymore, but it delivers a great sound. Hell, you could even use it live and not have to worry about getting it banged up any more (doesn't Fender do this now to some of its instruments and actually ask a lot of money for it?)

I think in general, old Ibanez gear should serve you well - the Musician series, which was made in the late '70, early '80s was a particularily phantastic instrument, and I think for 300 quid (which is, like, 450 Euros?), you should be able to get a top-of-the-line one with two pickups, active electrics and 3 band EQ. They're all neck through construction and have great sustain. Sting, among others, played one when he was with The Police...

Hope you'll find something good


japut_99's advice is very useful! Although keep in mind that it *might* just be a case of a proper setup to get the instrument to play in tune across the neck (and consistently). Trouble is, you either need someone who can set it up for you or know how to set it up yourself!

You said 300 quid, so you're in the UK? If so, I can highly recommend The Bass Gallery in Camden, London. They usually have a good range of second hand basses at fairly good prices (actually they currently have 2 of mine, a Fender 6 and 72 Gibson Thunderbird).

You would probably pay a little more than buying from a pawn shop or from eBay, but you can be sure that you will get an instrumnet that is properly set up. Martin Petersen (the owner) makes the SeiBass (but at around £2000 it's a bit out of yr price range).

If nothing else, they should have a reasonable range of instruments that you could try out (including Warwick, Fender, Status, etc).



ps I don't own shares in The Bass Gallery or anything - I'm just a very proud owner of a SeiBass Flamboyant - and I've seen first hand how good they are to deal with. I also bought my upright bass from them.

pps Warning: SeiBass Flamboyant is the sexiest bass on the planet - if you see one, you will want to own it!! :)


The best budget bass I ever heard by far was one old Ibanez, I think it was a Roadstar model, some sort of a jazzbass clone, but the the friend of mine buying it almost never touched his original again. He bought it for 150 DM (around US$ 70!!!).

Another brilliant thing that I wanted to buy once (but I've been too late, was the last one they had in some rather cheesy shop) was some Fenix 5-string, almost jazzbass-alike. The 4-strings they were producing a few years ago (I think the company is dead by now) have been amazingly good for the price as well, might be worth to look out for a used one.
There are 3 kinds of people:
Those who can do maths and those who can't.


as a follow on to this thread ...

My new Bass guitar... :D


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