To the Moon and Mars (Swing)

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Hi guys,

tried my hands at a swing beat.
What do you think?

ps; is the vocoder a bit more audible now?


I think there are still some issues with the intelligibility of the vocoded vocals, particularly during the first verse, although I had no problems with the sound of the "straight" vocal starting at 1:08. That was quite a heavy beat, but it worked very well here. I would have liked a more defined ending.

Good work :)


Not hearing any swing to be honest, pretty straight, other than a little bit of sequencer 'swing' function. Swing is like pre funk.
Amazon: why not use an alternative


It sounds like 2/2 time which is swing but classic swing is more for jazz or the old country swing music. It's not exactly a straight up and down beat. I think the beat here works fine for this song.

As stated previously, you might want to begin with a more intelligible vodocode vocal so the listener picks up on the words immediately. Maybe you could then put more effect on it for a bit and then clear it up again.

I liked the dominating percussion for this tune and a popular simple theme with imagery.



Not what I was expecting when I read "swing".

Cool beat, I like it. The vocoder is pretty unintelligible at the beginning. I'm not sure that really matters though. It's a playful tune, so all that matters is that it sounds fun and kooky. The lyrics become intelligible enough at some point anyway.

Nice image, fun song!


The idea is good, but to me it sounds pretty unfinished. At least... that's what the record company guy is going to state :D


Hi Jesse.
Got a great feel to it, sort of boppy!
Like sjm says it's playful and has an electronic punk rock vibe.
Well done!
Music with progressive intent.


"tried my hands at a swing beat.
What do you think?"

It's rather too plodding and stiff to be featuring that word IME.

I don't care to criticize someone else's music or their idea, but you posed a kind of technical question.
It seems clear that swing is a new way of working for you, and it needs more work or maybe more time and experience with what's out there; as far as an expectation created, well, 'swing' is a word with some luggage to port.


I liked the song structure (intro, the bridge at 1:40 and the build up after).
I like the vocoder but I can't understand it like I do while listening Daft Punk, maybe some eq can do the work here (btw, english is not my native language).
Sound selection is good too, synths, punchy drums and some cool effects.
I don't think swing is noticeable in this track, swing is more related to offbeat and quantizing notes, if ain't wrong.
Good track, Jesse Gorter, I liked it.


Like the song...great overall vibe with some good hooks.

Note: It's not a swing beat, it's a shuffle beat!


sjm wrote:Not what I was expecting when I read "swing".

Cool beat, I like it. The vocoder is pretty unintelligible at the beginning. I'm not sure that really matters though. It's a playful tune, so all that matters is that it sounds fun and kooky. The lyrics become intelligible enough at some point anyway.

Nice image, fun song!

It's a song children seem to like hah!

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