Loop to MultiSample

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With tools like Samplab being released, now is a better time than ever to take sampling seriously.
Now we can turn loops into actual multisampled instruments. I've never felt comfort in slicing samples just for re-arranging (triggering), maybe for drums, but not for melodic material. For one, diatonically speaking, it is very limiting, and it's also easily recognizable, unless you do a lot of alterations (which still isn't bullet proof).
Sometimes, I just want the "sound" or timbre of the sample, not necessarily the actual performance.
So I've done a lot using single slices to create instruments (in samplers with timestretch and pitchshift).
That works ok (with some modulations to the sound, to imitate nuances [like a round-robin would do]).

However, sometimes the loop may already have nuances or even articulations that I want as well.
Shucks, I want the ability to slice, detect pitch, and map multiple zones. I want to key map as well as
velocity map. Reason's NN-XT does have automapping zones and pitch detection, but no actual slicing.
Reason's Mimic can slice, as well as make multi-timbral instruments, but it does not have velocity-based mapping,
and it only stacks all samples (multi-pitch) or separates them in octaves. My go to for quick usage of
one-shots (Steinberg Backbone when not Mimic), detects the pitch curve and maps it well, but it is no where
near made for what I want.

Guess which VSTi came the closest. The TX16WX, one I've glanced at and tried a few times over the years.
Now it feels like with a little more time spent, it just might be my go-to when utilizing the many loops
and construction kits I have. Creating instruments, not just slice triggers, is the only way I can
feel comfortable using these many samples.

Thank you CWITEC for making such a powerful sampler. It is the only tool that I see allowing me
to load a "monophonic" loop, automatically slice [NEEDS IMPROVEMENT], detect the pitches, and drag to be keymapped.
It makes so much sense to accomodate sampling like this, but why isn't even entertained by most?
Anyway, thanks for providing a way for me to start somewhat a desired workflow with your VSTi.

All I ask is that you consider this workflow of usage as you continue developing this tool.
Hopefully, in future updates, this kind of sampling "Slices to multisampled instrument" will be improved in ways
never considered by other developers.

Thanks again!

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