Compressing bass in EDM

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Do people generally compress mid/upper bass layers seperate to their sub? Or are some folk just using a multiband? What is your preference when processing them?


Unfortunately this question is a how long is a piece of string type. It goes from nothing at all to compressing everything or somewhere in between. Let your ears guide you.

If someone comes along and say yes every layer is compressed. How do you know there are even any layers to start with in any given track ? We cannot know if is long bass notes from a thick multi saw Moog with tonnes of sub or a couple of deep saw/square wave staccato notes. How harmonically rich is it, does it even need a layer ?

The best help anyone can give is to use your ears very carefully.

I have never compressed a layer when I have used them which is not very often. Usually the layer is to give the perception of a stereophonic element that sits on top, if you fill your entire lower mids with a sound doubling the bass melody there won't be much room left for anything else. So it has better be a super awesome bass line to command that much mix space.

The more layers the less definition and punch where you need it 35-80Hz, don't turn it into a blurry mess from say 900Hz or 400Hz down and check mono compatibility with regularity.

Compress listen, volume match is it better or worse ? There is your answer.

Also consider how all that wall of 400Hz down interacts with your kick.

Also doing a small prayer in the corner of the room that your monitoring is good will help. Very difficult question to answer.


Thanks for the response. I wasnt thinking of layering in the same way vocals are layered. Rather, layering with seperation, and some (eg) compression or distortion for cohesion.

I take your point about each track being different and using different approaches. đź‘Ť

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