Vegatrem advice needed - action and buzzing

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Hi all, I picked up a Vegatrem just recently and I'm having some trouble with the action - or to be precise, with the buzzing especially above the 12th fret. I set the truss rod and the nut height, but when it comes to the bridge, I set the G and D string saddles as high as they'll go before the top of the saddle would travel beyond the top of the adjustment screw. I compared it to my old bridge - Vegatrem's saddle height adjustment screws are 7mm long, whereas my standard trem is 9mm and my last configuration for G and D string was above 8mm from the plate.

I don't know what else to check for. If I should straighten the truss rod, I'll get buzzing below the 12th fret too, I already had to adjust for that. The tilt of the trem itself is perfect, it's parallel with the body just as it should be.

Is there something else I can do before asking for a refund? Lower the frets? Have saddles be above the adjustment screws (meaning, to be only partially attached to the screw)? How safe is that?
Last edited by samesung on Tue Mar 05, 2024 9:09 am, edited 1 time in total.


The two probing questions
-Does it work for you?
-Can you work with it?

When I got my D'angelico XL the action was unusually high and the neck was.. different than I'd experienced on all my guitars previously. I lowered the action as far as I could and I still felt it was too high compared to my other guitars. The only solution would have been involved. Removing the floating bridge and sanding it down. This would cause other issues such as the break angle over the saddle and the proximity of the strings to the floating pickup which is not adjustable. So I left it as it was and simply got used to playing the guitar. Not as fast/slick on the D'angelico and Bar Chords can wear me down after extensive playing. I've adapted to it and it has rewarded me. The tone makes it all worthwhile.

On the other hand when I took my telecaster into a tech for pickup replacement he slight raised the action even though I had no fret buzz. I spent quite some time playing with it and... My slides, bends hammer ons and pull offs rang out better. The feel of the action on my fingers was negligible.

So. you mentioned taking it in for a refund. Rather I would suggest you take it back in and tell them what you are experiencing and what you have done. Usually looking costs you nothing and often times they can advise you or resolve the issue on spot. Of course with some cheap guitars there is nothing they can do to save it.

To me the cheapest of the cheap is never worth it. And if you spend sometime around this forum you'll find a number of people who had high hopes prior to purchase but there afterwards were quite dissatisfied.

All that being said it's never been a better time to purchase a moderately priced guitar.
Dell Vostro i9 64GB Ram Windows 11 Pro, Cubase, Bitwig, Mixcraft Guitar Pod Go, Linntrument Nektar P1, Novation Launchpad


Hi and thanks for the reply. I hear you about getting used to changes. I started playing on a classical guitar which had high action so I got used to pressing hard on the strings. In fact, it became a habit which I suspect made me wear out the frets on my electric faster than I should. I try to play with a softer touch now, but it takes mental effort. I do agree with you on the upsides and the downsides of higher action though :) Dynamic range doesn't come without some sacrifices, but it's worth it.

I have a 2003 or 2004 MIM Strat, not a bad guitar if I say so myself. I've never had any major issues with it. I don't think it's the guitar. Or if it is, it was just designed that way, and maybe Vegatrem is not the best fit for my model.

I bought it from Thomann and changed it myself. Comparing it to my old bridge, the action was almost 2mm higher, and I'm all out of thread on Vegatrem. I do have jumbo frets though, but I like them, and I don't feel like paying for even more fretwork. I can live without it even though I like the feel and the range, so I'll probably look at other options.


Yeah, the struggle is real for all of us.

There is no universal guitar. Trust me I have plenty. My Samick Fastback (LP copy) spoils me with regards to feel Low action, just enough string spacing relatively thin neck with a short scale length. Then I reach for a telecaster or one of my boxes fall in love with the tone and chase those dreams for awhile
Dell Vostro i9 64GB Ram Windows 11 Pro, Cubase, Bitwig, Mixcraft Guitar Pod Go, Linntrument Nektar P1, Novation Launchpad


When working on the vintage trem on my strat I noticed that action is clearly affected as you set it up correctly for floating trem.

Did you also set it up for floating action, up and down, before doing further adjustments?

Is the fretboard higher above body on MiM strat than American series?

I think there might be distance chims somehow to get it a bit higher, if you get problems above 12th fret.
- this is all geometry, really

They pretty much brag about how smooth transition to Vegatrem should be.
- would not be suprised if they fix a metal chim for you for free
- that is what quality companies do
- I guess 1mm would fix the extra height of your fretwires

Here an install on MiM strat

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