Spire: Feature requests

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Oh yeah, the ability to use samples as oscillator waveforms...


Hello, lately on Reveal Sound's Facebook page I mentioned some request, I think they are needed.

1. Hard/soft sync
2. Detailed parameters in (Matrix mode) like negative note scaling (backward), making LFO rate follow note scaling to achieve another approach for FM.
3. While editing OSC settings, it is much continent to automatically switch to correspondence OSC tab to avoid mistakes.

Thanks :)


Yeah, real sync would be nice, as would ring mod.


Native version for Linux (Bitwig!!)

Be the first real synth for Linux!


Would anyone mind expanding on the the logarythmic or linear filter envelopes? How would this change the sound or whats it used for best?
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You can hear how they change the sound right now, by programming in short and long attacks and decays and then clicking on the relevant parts of the envelope diagrams to see how different curves interact with different envelope lengths and types.

Linear curves give a steady increase or decrease in volume (or filter frequency, or effect level, or whatever) over time. Logarithmic curves do other things, like increase slowly over time then suddenly swing over to full level as the envelope region reaches the end of its time period.

We have a small number of curves we can select, currently. It would be nice to dial in the exact curve we want. It helps especially with things like plucks and reverse effects, but there are many, many uses... And some extreme curves would allow sounds that really sneak up on you... :}


piastro wrote:This is how the Spire should look like IMO :)
You should blot out the SN listed in the right top corner dude :hihi:
High Quality Soundsets for Lush-101 | Hive | Electra 2 | Diversion | Halion | Largo | Rapid | Dune II | Thorn | and more.

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Interesting comment from Facebook:
Alejandro Suazo: Put a HYPER-SAW wave (no unison), a SUB-OSCILLATOR and improve the LOW-END freqs on waveforms without false EQ to get SPIRE a real competitor of Virus TI, thank you.
I remember, I did suggest once that Spire should have a classic JP-8000 Supersaw oscillator, or Virus Hypersaw oscillator. But this doesn't mean such oscillator would sound better than Spire's unison.

Sub-osc. is completely redundant IMHO, since its effect can be easily produced with one of the four oscs. Why special sub-osc?

And the last thing. Virus TI has analog outputs, with special D/A converters, and Spire cannot do that in-the-box. In a way, Spire's EQ colors the sound in very similar manner. There is nothing "false" about it. It sounds awesome.

MULTITHREADING is still missing, give me that, give me Spire's EQ instead of cables and expensive D/A converters, and I'm in heaven...


Yes some more control on Supersaw would be good.
And when I compare it with Sylenth1, there's really weak in low frequencies..
Sub Osc is not needed imo
Virus TI for my ears is not good for real good basses, a bit thin. Spire now is providing much good sound palettes and features.


I don't want Spire to sound like anything else.
I want it to have its own character, just the same as the Virus or the JP have their own.
I want it to stand alone and not get lost in the mire.

And I'm not hearing any deficiencies in the low end of Spire either. Can easily use it for strong, solid bass sounds.
Getting some awesome string and plucked sounds from it as well.

This synth has come so far in such a short time. The only thing I would like is more optimisation so I don't have to render so much (but that's what we did back in the day....only it was to tape, not HD), but Reveal are working on that.....and I do have a relatively old computer, so it's no big surprise it struggles with more than a few instances, but that's my issue, not the synths.
In the meantime, I'm using a fantastic sounding synth!


ftech wrote:I don't want Spire to sound like anything else.
I want it to have its own character, just the same as the Virus or the JP have their own.
I want it to stand alone and not get lost in the mire.

And I'm not hearing any deficiencies in the low end of Spire either. Can easily use it for strong, solid bass sounds.
Getting some awesome string and plucked sounds from it as well.

This synth has come so far in such a short time. The only thing I would like is more optimisation so I don't have to render so much (but that's what we did back in the day....only it was to tape, not HD), but Reveal are working on that.....and I do have a relatively old computer, so it's no big surprise it struggles with more than a few instances, but that's my issue, not the synths.
In the meantime, I'm using a fantastic sounding synth!
Well said :clap:
As soon as I heard it for the first time, I thought: this thing has a character of its own.
Spire should be a competitor to Virus TI only in terms of usability, flexibility, and popularity.
Quite soon, people who see it as a Virus clone will stop seeing it that way.
It's not a Virus, it's not a Nord... It's REVEAL SOUND SPIRE.



This is a simple one. I want init to set the OSC1 as the active OSC.

Currently if you have OSC3 active, and press init, it stays active.

Best regards,



Anyone have more skins for this that will work with newest version?
High Quality Soundsets for Lush-101 | Hive | Electra 2 | Diversion | Halion | Largo | Rapid | Dune II | Thorn | and more.

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save preset as favorite?
High Quality Soundsets for Lush-101 | Hive | Electra 2 | Diversion | Halion | Largo | Rapid | Dune II | Thorn | and more.

TTU Youtube


piastro wrote:This is how the Spire should look like IMO :)
Very nice skin, indeed.
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