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Reason 12


highkoo wrote:You can attribute it to 'bitter wishful thinking' if you must, but I cant imagine how that makes any sense.
You can envision a bright future for Reason/REs, but I cant imagine how that makes any sense either.

Its a new format, vying for attention from developers who are otherwise occupied in a thriving market that is the long dominant, ubiquitous format, and now, competitor. Its not as robust of a development platform. It does not provide the same profit margin or marketshare/visibility. It is proprietary. It is not user friendly. It is locked to a closed and arguably outdated, arguably dying platform, that at best is resistant to change.

Its screamingly obviously a risky position that the Props are in.
Old users may have cause to stick around and play. But why would a new user sign up?

If I sound bitter, youre delusional.
I have no horse in this race. Im just observing the facts.
Clearly your personal vision of Reason is misguided and askew which you are definitely entitled to possess but I completely disagree with you on a few points. Propellerheads had mentioned that when RE was announced that they weren't trying to compete with VST and Au as they wanted the format to be just for Reason and felt that they were so confident with there platform that they could successfully create a enclosed system. If Reason was a "dying platform" as you put it then they would have opened it up to VSt which has been addressed also in the past. Almost all the platforms ranging from Logic X, Samplitude , PT 11 , Ableton , Flstudio are still being built on old foundations , Hell Logic X still has bugs that have been in there from 1999 and PT11 even though they say is a complete rewrite still has quirks that have been there for years and I can point out issues with all of the platforms. VST3 hasn't exactly been walk in the park for developers and I think any frustration with writing RE are pale in comparison. As for Reason not being user friendly well that just comes down to user preference and I myself and many other people I know use Reason because we find it easy to use. A few artists I work with just use Reason and just rock up to the studio with stems already bounced to go into post production. So with these issues I completely disagree with you.


highkoo wrote:
tonkatodd wrote: misguided narcissistic sense of self worth
Hey! Thats a pretty good description of Reason in 2014! :clap:
Woot? :P Thought this was just a creative tool to make music.


Biscotto wrote:What's your silly problem with me having a PERFECT time with Reason and the RE.
You can't have an intelligent conversation because that's the way I see it and it is for me?

Are you kidding me? Reaper, Live and Reaktor are also PERFECT for me.
You need to take a serious consideration before you waste your fingers on the keyboard to type desperate posts.

Telling others how they should not feel :nutter:

Well... try to go and have a PERFECT day if you can dear genius.

You may need :help: with that actually.
Like I said; sad and a little bit scary.

"The pendulum of the mind alternates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong." - Carl Jung


stroker_ace wrote:
Biscotto wrote:What's your silly problem with me having a PERFECT time with Reason and the RE.
You can't have an intelligent conversation because that's the way I see it and it is for me?

Are you kidding me? Reaper, Live and Reaktor are also PERFECT for me.
You need to take a serious consideration before you waste your fingers on the keyboard to type desperate posts.

Telling others how they should not feel :nutter:

Well... try to go and have a PERFECT day if you can dear genius.

You may need :help: with that actually.
Like I said; sad and a little bit scary.

Don't be afraid boy.
You can't stand the fact that someone has a great time with his own choices. You must be quite out of luck then.
It takes time to design your own life. I have many great things going and music is one of them.
Your acidic sarcasm is there to show how little you have probably accomplished in your own existence.
It's sad and scary indeed to have someone like yourself coming here trying to tell others how they should not feel about their own choices they have made.
It is perfect to me because I can use it completely to create wonderful music with it and the fact that I cannot resell the RE is completely irrelevant to me because I have never sold, and never will, any of my tools.
Sorry if I spoiled your miserable day.
Mine is, how should I say...., Perfect.

I know.... you still afraid (of you you really are I guess)
Pigments - Diva - Tal U-No-LX - Tal Sampler


Its interesting how these people profess how they are happy with other DAWs yet they find the time to run in every thread about Reason to insult and misinform people with their toxic ignorance and stupidity. Its seems to be a case of classical conditioning. They hear/see Reason and their thumbs start to twiddle, mouth starts foaming. LOL
KFish needs to answer a simple question. What is an outdated sound?


Do Props have some kind of subliminal messages embedded somewhere or something?
I would not even be surprised.
krucial wrote:Toxic Ignorance ft. Stupidity



Love reason for its simplicity. I was feeling 'stuck' with Reaper. Bounced the project to Reason and it was play time again.

And the other thing that's great about Reason? I imported a Reaper project from my laptop to DAW and had a day's worth of upgrading (of all the VSTs) to do to get it to sound as it did in my laptop.

In reason I import a project (that I saved in my laptop) and it plays perfectly fine as if I'm just continuing off from where I left it.

If I could do my whole production in Reason I probably would. Right now I'm using it as an additional tool instead of the do-it-all (like reaper). Can't complain. Props rock. :tu:


If anyone wants to sell his or her license for Reason, do let me know.

Eat that you 48 hour market place posting rule! :hihi:
My other host is Bruce Forsyth


I'm running the demo now. I love it. Great software that suits my mind 99%!! Yesterday I spent a good long time with it and I could make some nice things quickly. Saw some few tutorials then got a good workflow!

I really like a lot the sequencer and how the overdub/alternative buttons are so practical and to the point. Great design really. It is also very easy to find the sounds I want among thousands of sounds. What could be nicer than working with synths and effects without looking at the cpu/dsp usage. At the beginning I clicked on it from time to time, thinking it got stuck or something. it didn't move up!

Thor is a monster of synth, but I only did little bit with it. I used Subtracter! Although, it is so old, but with some added effects/eq/compression I could get a lovely bass, not as analog as Monark but still amazing for its age.

It is a deep software with all these possibilities of modulation, but I knew this since version 2, although I didn't know how to use it that time! Now, it seems the time to actually make some music. I don't care if it sounds 'Reason' or not! Although, this is an old idea I don't think it is valid now (Reason's sound).

I'm waiting for the transfer to be done (I traded it for Live 9 Standard). We both are waiting for the transfer! Anyway, I already decided which racks I need from now! One of them is PX7 8)

Beautiful software, what to hate about it? IMO nothing :-D

I'm just praying that they do the transfer without a problem :pray:


Reason 7.1 out now with brand new free RE.
KFish needs to answer a simple question. What is an outdated sound?


Oh man i can't wait to see what new things come out for Reason 7.1 and then i need to freakin upgrade!!


More of the Rack Extensions really should go out as freeware, I mean how can they charge money for this?: :o ... processor/


but you know whats hilarious, but really rather sad. the repeat offenders who buy reason, sell reason, over and over again. i was one of them. i can name 5 people off the top of my head here on kvr who are also repeat offenders.

these are the the people like me, who have bought and sold reason 4 times or more. and they never learn. because they never address the underlining cause of why each time like clockwork they jump. 'wow this new new version is awesome! ill never sell reason again. this is the daw for me!' then decide, 'yeah, not for me' and sell it. till the next version/half update is released where it 'go time' once again.


Numanoid wrote:More of the Rack Extensions really should go out as freeware, I mean how can they charge money for this?: :o ... processor/
i think the developer sells this as a psychological product. that is, the developer purposely calls it crap, and then the user uses it and thinks, wow this isn't actually crap, its awesome!/i totally got my moneys worth! when it really is a useless piece of poop. kudos for the developer making the interface look like a joke. social engineering at its finest.


Last edited by V0RT3X on Wed Apr 09, 2014 4:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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