Best Delay Plugin?

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I like Voxengo Tempo Delay (free!)


I'll echo :hihi: the positive comments for Echoboy and H-Delay...great plugins.


H-Delay ticks a lot of boxes. It sounds good, has the right set of features... I would really like to use it more, but, there's one major issue I have with it. It saturates the hell out of the signal. Wished I could dial that out. There is a anlog knob, but, it seems all that it does is add some noise. You just can't make it not saturate. Big shame, and, unfortunately, I realized that after I bought, not before. No problem though, it wasn't really expensive. ;)


Fxpansion Bloom is pretty darn sweet and bonkers
Amazon: why not use an alternative


VariKusBrainZ wrote: Sat Jun 27, 2020 11:21 pm Fxpansion Bloom is pretty darn sweet and bonkers
And now a retired "legacy" product :(


I've been using Blue Cat Late Replies lately. It's damn good. Can customize taps, which hasn't wound up too great for me, but just as a delay it is loaded.
Last edited by Dirtgrain on Sun Jun 28, 2020 6:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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el-bo (formerly ebow) wrote: Sun Jun 04, 2017 11:24 am Best Delay Plugin? No such thing, despite what some developers might have you believe.

I think that ReplikaXT and Echoboy cover similar ground, but Echoboy has more 'vibe', and also offers some different functionality. However, Echoboy doesn't have the pitching elements, filtering, or the ducking functionality that XT offers.

Neither of them cover reverse, or creative routing like RP-Delay.

And none of the above are as fun to play/tame as the monster that is Ohmboyz

And what if you want some 'spring' in your 201 emu?

So...No such thing as a perfect delay plugin; more a case of what will make it into your ever-expanding delay portfolio
Sage advice, from all those years ago.
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GSi Watcat. an absolute terror to control. sounds really crappy 99.99 percent of the time. but this one is free and can unlock the secrets of the universe. Guido, please update this masterpiece.


Though I get the most of my delay mileage from Ableton's stock ones, I really enjoy the sound of Valhalla delay. Opening it everytime I need a good "character delay".
Evovled into noctucat...


I use the stock Ableton echo and Replika XT.

Hate to admit it but Ableton Echo confuses the hell out of me....:)


I was using Echoboy almost exclusively, but then stumbled on Acustica Audio Lemon and use that as my main reverb when it requires a send effect. Last week they updated the engine to the new Core 16 so that should please a lot of users since it was running on the older Core 14 (?) engine.


canadian_moose wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 7:24 pm I use the stock Ableton echo and Replika XT.

Hate to admit it but Ableton Echo confuses the hell out of me....:)
haha, had the same feeling about ableton echo, but is basically simple (even with the push 2, overwhelming..). great delay, by the way, and more than a delay. use it many times.

so this thread is still going strong. have an arsenal of delays. what is the best? depends of course, what you want to achieve. and yes, sometimes i buy a delay, i it comes in a bundle, like replika xt and discover new things to do.

the multi-tap delay of cubase is also great. many great delays. sigmund. arturia eternity.. etc. etc.


relayer and echoboys :D


As much as I like Valhalla Delay, I keep on reaching for Echoboy.

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DrGonzo wrote: Thu Jul 02, 2020 10:21 am As much as I like Valhalla Delay, I keep on reaching for Echoboy.

Echoboy doesn’t have quite few tricks up its sleeve. I like bx_delay and Arturia Eternity for the same reason. Although, they bring their own tricks to the party. Sandman too, but it’s even more distinct.

Then there are times that basic delay is just what you need, especially if you want to save on the CPU overhead so you can invest it more widely elsewhere.

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