One-Synth-Challenge: General discussion thread

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Instruments Discussion
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Isn't today the first of the month?
High Quality Soundsets for Lush-101 | Hive | Electra 2 | Diversion | Halion | Largo | Rapid | Dune II | Thorn | and more.

TTU Youtube


I'm not letting the cat out of the bag...but the web page is up!


That's really awesome!
High Quality Soundsets for Lush-101 | Hive | Electra 2 | Diversion | Halion | Largo | Rapid | Dune II | Thorn | and more.

TTU Youtube


All announced now, pretty juicy choice of synth eh? :hyper:


gorgorgathgorgorgor wrote:Sweet! I may be back this month...
Nice man I missed you. Spread the word - maybe we can get more OSC veterans


V'ger wrote:Rules vote additional

I know it's a bit iffy to have follow up polls on matters already settled in the main rules vote, but since it now seems technically possible to change how the voting is done on tracks during competition, it still seems acceptable since this was not regarded as a possibility before. It can still be voted down and things return as they were so nothing forced.

Thanks to Bjporter's programming skills, it is now possible to go outside the boundaries of what we've been able to do with Google docs question form and there's now the option to rate the tracks in order by stacking them.

Do you want this?

The advantage is that we avoid the varying and skewed points system of today where some give out for example 50 points to all entrants, while others might give 100 or more which is not totally ideal I think we all agree.

Other advantages:

- You don't have to vote in one day, you can open up the vote form and continue your progress

- More equality - stacking votes means you can't vote 1 for each track, so you really have to decide which track is good

- Easier navigation, and eventually ability to comment on a track in the voting screen

- Drag and move tracks around easily, without having to choose 1-5 stars

- Easy to use on a mobile device

A disadvantage is that it might be slightly more hard to vote in that you now have to separate every single track from each other where before you might give them same score if that was difficult etc. More?


Vote by clicking in this form HERE before 1st February KVR time.
Voting over

Well no doubt about this one, 94% of you want the new stacking system.

Unfortunately there have been some tech issues with that so we'll have to wait till next month's OSC 60 voting to put it into use.


Maybe it's been talked before but, any chance of allowing commercial plugin effects in the future?

I don't think they will make my tracks better (ok, maybe 10% better?), but I want to spend more time using and learning the stuff I paid for.


e@rs wrote:Maybe it's been talked before but, any chance of allowing commercial plugin effects in the future?
Not gonna happen :D
CrimsonWarlock aka TechnoGremlin, using Reaper and a fine selection of freeware plugins.

Ragnarök VST-synthesizer co-creator with Full Bucket


e@rs wrote:Maybe it's been talked before but, any chance of allowing commercial plugin effects in the future?

I don't think they will make my tracks better (ok, maybe 10% better?), but I want to spend more time using and learning the stuff I paid for.
Nah not a fan.
I like having an equal playing field and then being astounded at what some of you do.
"I was wondering if you'd like to try Magic Mushrooms"
"Oooh I dont know. Sounds a bit scary"
"It's not scary. You just lose a sense of who you are and all that sh!t"


..Although it might have been fitting for the OSC 60: Any One Synth now since commercial synths are Ok.

I would also be against, but will include the topic in the next rules vote.


Ugh...effects can make a big difference. In fact, the more I listen to OSC entries, the more I realise how much effects can "fatten" the sound up (just take all effects off your track and let the synth sound dry if you don't believe it). We have already enough freedom to use any freeware effect plugin as opposed to being limited to a short list of allowed VSTs. Just learn to use some freebies instead of commercial and you can use whatever fits your taste and workflow. And tbh I don't see how you can feel limited since there are tons of freebies for vitually any type of 2 cents, anyway.
Available now on Soundcloud: ... t-location


idfpower wrote:Ugh...effects can make a big difference. In fact, the more I listen to OSC entries, the more I realise how much effects can "fatten" the sound up (just take all effects off your track and let the synth sound dry if you don't believe it).
Case in Point - one of my OSC entries with effects ... asion-1982

and without (Only some minor EQ - no compression, limiting, etc) ... no/s-j7PMk


And it's not like the old days when the difference between free and commercial effects was huge, now there are some freeware that compares well.


I don't feel limited as someone said, I'm perfectly happy using just DAW's plugins. The plugin list used in my submissions went from huge (and 3rd party) in my first OSC (Retrologue) to pretty small (and native) in the Junglist OSC and I feel the later is better.
But I just wanna spend more time with my paid plugins, that's all.

I agree, the effects play a huge role, but what does this have to do with commercial vs. free plugins? And why should I learn some freeware when I have a paid product that I selected from the sea of plugins available?

We agree that the difference in quality between commercial and free plugins is small, so why they shouldn't be allowed? I still don't see any reason.

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