SqakAttack released



compressor/limiter only on the played buffer.

the buffer is obviously highly sensitive to the source material dynamics, so something like a limiter to smooth out the unpredictability would help a lot.

and I mean a compressor/limiter that slams things hard with very fast attack, only resulting in averaging of the buffer volume.


well, a limiter/compressor is way harder to do then copy a buffer at the right size ... I have one compresor that I've coded, but it is not as good as most other ones.

What could be tried is a decibel calculator of sorts. checking what volume the clip is on total and then change it to be more normal. or perhaps just normalize and then lower the volume, hmm that might be it. perhaps I'll try and add that before mailing Ben.
Shuriken.se, sonic weapons for the music ninja!


I've managed a kind of a solution to the volume problem. Provided the input peak/RMS to sqakattack is reasonably stable, it'll work just fine. Also, when recording the midi data, nudging notes the tiniest amounts usually change the volume to desired levels.

great plugin :tu:


Sorry, I havent been around to try that solution I thought of, I've been working with the next release, betatesting and such, those darn betatesters find stuff that I have to fix... :(
Shuriken.se, sonic weapons for the music ninja!


yo lars man, i contacted you already in our irc chan, but i thought id post it here also, its about kerstinn sometimes faulty loading of a wav file...when u play the wavefile, it sounds 100% like harsh pure digital noise
maybe a bug or certain types of wav samples not being supported ?


yeah, I've answerd already. please send me the wav file that does the stupid.
Shuriken.se, sonic weapons for the music ninja!


the wavefiles where bad, and in a way that I did not check for, the checks are added now, will be available in next release.
Shuriken.se, sonic weapons for the music ninja!


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