Yay, I finally purchased AA Reverb!! :D

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How does this modulation work? Ossiclation, or detection?



bduffy wrote:
Lagrange wrote:Dam that does sound really good.. I wonder how it would sound under bduffy's upsampling trick. ?
Well, I can tell you that during final mixing, I did re-do a few vocal channels with AAR at 96khz, and I didn't hear a big difference. BUT, this was in dense mixes, and the whole upsampling thing didn't result in any dramatic improvements, apart from better dynamics. But if soundpalace would like to test it out a reference at 96k, that would be interesting.

Soundpalace: nice demos! Fully displays the magic I love about AAR. Man, that modulation just brings anything to life, and is one paramter that most reverbs forget or get wrong. I also love how the modulation controls are simple; I don't really want to mess around with LFO paramters, etc; just gimme some goddamn modulation! :D

I might post something myself, because I'm bored.
Yeah, the AAR gets it right for me too. Great gui, nice amount of control without being overly complex, and it just has a sweet lively sound that I like. It took me a while to figure out that it sounds good on a wide range of settings, and once I figured that out, it became considerably more versatile in my hands.

Nice samples soundpalace! I like how you used the reverb.


pdxindy wrote:
bduffy wrote:
Lagrange wrote:Dam that does sound really good.. I wonder how it would sound under bduffy's upsampling trick. ?
Well, I can tell you that during final mixing, I did re-do a few vocal channels with AAR at 96khz, and I didn't hear a big difference. BUT, this was in dense mixes, and the whole upsampling thing didn't result in any dramatic improvements, apart from better dynamics. But if soundpalace would like to test it out a reference at 96k, that would be interesting.

Soundpalace: nice demos! Fully displays the magic I love about AAR. Man, that modulation just brings anything to life, and is one paramter that most reverbs forget or get wrong. I also love how the modulation controls are simple; I don't really want to mess around with LFO paramters, etc; just gimme some goddamn modulation! :D

I might post something myself, because I'm bored.
Yeah, the AAR gets it right for me too. Great gui, nice amount of control without being overly complex, and it just has a sweet lively sound that I like. It took me a while to figure out that it sounds good on a wide range of settings, and once I figured that out, it became considerably more versatile in my hands.

Nice samples soundpalace! I like how you used the reverb.
Yeah, I kind of thought it was a one-trick pony when I first got it, but digging in a little bit, plus letting go of the idea that the only "nice" reverb is a 10-second wash with no reflections, and it's a seriously adept tool. Sometimes I used it just for delay-style effects on vocals; you can do pretty much anything with it. Great stuff. :D

The only thing I don't like is that weird pause when you first click the menu, like the whole host freezes up for a few seconds...


Lagrange wrote:How does this modulation work? Ossiclation, or detection?

Not sure, L: the manual just says it applies a frequency-dependant detuning of the reverb, meaning that some of the delays are pitched up and down, variably.


The only thing I'm really upset about with this purchase at the moment is that since I couldn't use my free email account while purchasing, the serial came through registered under my brother's email address (which is the only non-free one I had to use).

Shareit said this product will be registered to my name when I went to check out but the serial actually registers against the email address, not the name. This is the first plugin (and most expensive) I have ever purchased which registers under the email address, not my name. After all, my email address doesn't own it, I do ... :)

I have emailed ArtsAcoustic about this and really hope they will help me get it sorted.

But yes, it sure is a wonderful reverb. The modulation is one of the big things that I love most aobut it.

There was a great demo here at KvR where everyone thought the reverb used was hardware. Let me find it.

Edit, here it is: http://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=130895



bduffy wrote:Not sure, L: the manual just says it applies a frequency-dependant detuning of the reverb, meaning that some of the delays are pitched up and down, variably.
Dam that is so cool..



Lagrange wrote:
bduffy wrote:Not sure, L: the manual just says it applies a frequency-dependant detuning of the reverb, meaning that some of the delays are pitched up and down, variably.
Dam that is so cool..

Sound pretty cool too! :D


Hi Fots,
soundpalace wrote: I have emailed ArtsAcoustic about this and really hope they will help me get it sorted.
it was exactly the same with me. They got it sorted, it wasn't any deal at all.



Hey, thanks LiteOn. They have written to me and it should be sorted within the next day. This is a great company, I am impressed and relieved :D

I have suggested that AA consider using one's full name for registration instead of email. I think it is worth considering.



Hallo I think i was one of the first buyers of the AAR. I think it took only 2 Minutes for me to buy. I heard the long reverb tails and I 'm very impressed. My everyday reverb !!


ok, i honestly don't know what to write other than, again and again:
thank you all for your kind words and your faith!
we are really happy about how things are going, and such comments always drive us.
so from the deepest of our hearts, thank you for your loyalty, which you, by the way, will not regret, i'll give you that much.
spread the word!

ps: the "freemail account problem" is on our schedule, we will have to find a proper solution for that, and we will.
Kind regards, Nick at ArtsAcoustic


Fortis speaks the truth - Arts Acoustic reverb IS the best!! Hoping they implement MIDI CC control someday...


dbone wrote:Fortis speaks the truth - Arts Acoustic reverb IS the best!! Hoping they implement MIDI CC control someday...
Sry, Soundplace! Proper credit where credit is due. :)

And just to qualify my opinion, I too tested it against other favourites (namely Waves Native and IR-1 reverbs, a few of the other high-end convolutiuon 'verbs) and all things considered, nothing else even comes CLOSE. Where I previously used different "effect" reverbs to achieve different results, the AA 'verb is just a whole 'nother level. The low level of CPU utilization is astounding. ...still have a soft place for my AudioDamage RatShack, tho.

Realizing this is still a little less than scientific, I am at work and don't have time to elaborate. I DID spend the better part of a week firing all manner of source material thru each device and then had to save up for a little while. It's not cheap, but you will NOT regret this purchase!


Hey dbone, I couldn't agree more. I hesitated to buy this for a while due to the price but just bit the bullet and went ahead after getting paid for a track I'm working on. Man am I glad I went ahead with it. I can't wait to use this in my next track, it gives so much life to instruments and to synths !

I have been using PS Light all these years and thought it was fine. Now, I think it's crap. Takes about twice the CPU of AA, is nowhere near as adjustable, and simply doesn't sound as good.

AA is so low in CPU, that I could use it as an insert effect! Just incredible! :D For me, it's also about the interface, I truly can't say enough about how much I love this GUI!

Nick, you guys rock, keep up the great work!



I can't do anything else but totally second everything that has been said in favour of the AA Reverb in this thread. It's just marvelleous, I love it for almost everything. And for the (very few, if any) things it can't do, I still have Logics Space Designer. Couldn't be any happier regarding reverbs.
Also, I simply love the easy copy protection - just *exactly* what the doctor ordered: A high quality plugin with a simple serial number protection. Thanks for that!
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