Wow... really not happy!I (+ wusik censoring!)

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Instruments Discussion


Possibly... but if the product is mediocre, and there's negative postings about the producer of the software, talk about business practices that look more like strong arming than letting the quality of the product speak for itself, I really don't think that kinda publicity is going to ultimately help.


Karmacomposer wrote:Thanks Hink.

Look, I cannot vouch for William. I am not his keeper or advisor. I am, however, friends with him.

I am just trying to let people know what we will be coming out with and what it will use.

Hopefully people will judge our products on the merit of how they SOUND and not because of other factors.

Good luck Mike


Thank you for your kind words.

My hopes are that everyone is excited and delighted by our hard work.



virtualuk wrote:Possibly... but if the product is mediocre
Just what the hell are you talking about? Any Wusikstation alternative to offer? Do you even know what it's for? (and no, it's actually not just for playing back sample libraries that come with it or that other people make for you)


What the hell? You have to buy a monthly membership to use Wusik 5 now? :?


No, apparently at least one third party distributor will offer an engine-only purchase or upgrade. That's what I got by PM and I think someone posted in one of the other mob threads. Anyway, tons of mess. Very bad handling of all this. He needs to make things clearer publicly.


Right. Well, he's made impetuous, strange decisions before - I think he almost quit a few years back! - and he always seems to come back to more normal sales models after awhile. I don't know if I'll upgrade anyway, I don't use Wusik as much as I used to; the whole v4 paradigm wasn't working for me.


Yeah, I remember that. It was something like, "If x (I don't remember the number) amount of people don't buy WS, I'm shutting the company down." He really needs to hire a business manager.
Buy my cd here (Prog rock/synth pop/classical/soundtrack-ish music):
Newer songs/unreleased material:


OH yeah, that was it. I mean, it's his company, he can do what he wants, but consistency counts for something with customers. Things have been pretty normal over the last few years; I never got that Wuisk magazine thingy, but seemed like maybe a good idea.


cyanogen wrote:Yeah, I remember that. It was something like, "If x (I don't remember the number) amount of people don't buy WS, I'm shutting the company down." He really needs to hire a business manager.
If x people don't want to buy WS, isn't that just market forces saying you should close the company down or have less ambitious plans? I'm sorry if there aren't enough people buying wusik to make William happy, but that's how businesses live and die by the demand of their product. Trying to force people to give you the money you think you're entitled to is a lil egotistical IMO, and is definitely a business plan doomed to failure. Limiting the number of people that can buy your product? Damn... :hihi:


If you wait long enough the promotion that suits you best will come ;)


Wusikstation was a bizarre piece of software right from the beginning...I think, I never liked any patch of it...


virtualuk wrote:
cyanogen wrote:Yeah, I remember that. It was something like, "If x (I don't remember the number) amount of people don't buy WS, I'm shutting the company down." He really needs to hire a business manager.
If x people don't want to buy WS, isn't that just market forces saying you should close the company down or have less ambitious plans? I'm sorry if there aren't enough people buying wusik to make William happy, but that's how businesses live and die by the demand of their product. Trying to force people to give you the money you think you're entitled to is a lil egotistical IMO, and is definitely a business plan doomed to failure. Limiting the number of people that can buy your product? Damn... :hihi:
Math Morons United today announced that by abstaining from Starbucks low-end coffee for 3 days each month, or deluxe blends for 2 days, that you at last can afford to enter the world of Digital Music Production, using Wusikstation VSTi. Yes, people, make your own coffee 3 times a month, and it all can be yours! :shock: :o :-o :lol: :P


cyanogen wrote:Yeah, I remember that. It was something like, "If x (I don't remember the number) amount of people don't buy WS, I'm shutting the company down." He really needs to hire a business manager.
well if 500 people don't buy my record right now, I'm not making any more music!!!!!

or maybe I'll only let 600 people listen to my music. And they have to pay me $10 a month to do so. Of course, there's no telling if they will need/like the music I make over the course of the next year. but thats their problem.

oh yeah, I'll sell my music to other distributors who make remixes of my music for resale. Non-members (of my 600 club) can listen to my music that way. But the 600 get the real deal, everyone else can listen to remixes.

:shock: :shock: :shock:

I suspect that within the year, we'll see a GB for wusikstation 6 for like $39 with a bunch of bonus sounds. And then the VIP600's will all be upset, cause they were loyal supporters and got yanked.

Oh yes, I gave wusik about $200 over the last year. I'm happy with what I got. But I see this guy yanking everyone around, and won't be partaking any longer.

i do wish him luck, but mostly I hope those who make sound sets (artvera, etc) and those who license the engine (manybass, etc) aren't negatively impacted. IMHO, they were the ones that made wusikstation compelling to me. I didn't care much for the pedestrian stock sounds.



iaminsane+ wrote:
cyanogen wrote:Yeah, I remember that. It was something like, "If x (I don't remember the number) amount of people don't buy WS, I'm shutting the company down." He really needs to hire a business manager.
well if 500 people don't buy my record right now, I'm not making any more music!!!!!
if 500 people bought anything I wrote I'd run naked across the infield at Fenway park with their names written on my ass*

*provided you could get them to let me in around 3am, I really don't want to be labeled a sex offender for streaking
The highest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another's world. It requires profound, purpose‐larger‐than‐the‐self kind of understanding.

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