Wusikstation-it deserves a positive thread

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Instruments Discussion



I happen to agree with you on the fact that William should really have given the world at least two weeks notice.

He said nothing to anyone, that I know of.

I was not even referring to you as one of those people that NEVER used Wusik - but there are plenty of them that just enjoy bashing for the sake of being cruel.

That said, this whole thing is not nearly as bad as it seems. Everyone is going to get what they paid for, updates, access to 3rd party products, etc.

I am sure William will be fair to all.

It is a shame he is so damn compulsive. These things need to be agreed upon privately before the public at large is told - and he really does need advisors for these kind of things.

I think all will be well within a week.



james0tucson wrote:
Karmacomposer wrote:
opia wrote:
Stomper wrote:Wusikstation-it deserves a positive thread
I'm positive I'm not buying it
Remember what your Mom and Dad tried to teach you when you were a youngster in the nest?

"How do you know you don't like it if you haven't even tried it?"

Wusik is an EXCELLENT synth and rompler. This entire set of threads have been way blown out of proportion by people who enjoy to do so - many of which will admit they have NEVER even tried Wusik and have no basis for their accusations or diatribe.

I'm an early adopter from V.1 who has bought every product Wusik has sold, and quite a few second-party products.

I've found the one-day-notice of this VIP thing to be sufficiently misguided and unprofessional that I am now a former customer.

I don't know what these "NEVER" people are saying. I know what I'm saying.
I'm not going to do business with people who make such unprofessional decisions as to mistreat their customer base.
and how exectly have you been mistreated?
you will get everything you paid for (or got it already).
you feel how you feel, i cant change that. just dont agree with it.


I feel the dust settling somewhat already, now that we've had venting and there have been clarifications made I am more relaxed. I was most worried about being shut out of V5 without even seeing it unless I committed $120. Now that seems to be sorted. I won't subscribe as I'm not interested in the magazine, I don't see the point of the wusiklabel, and many of the magazine sounds don't interest me.
I think William is really taking the engine a step up with the plans for V5, and Mike's plans look fantastic for the large and diverse wusik user base as well.
I do feel a bit 'once bitten twice shy' now though. Might pay to save up for some other vsti's as well...


just related to the title of this thread, i agree that there can be a lot of agressivity just by "taste of blood" in many forums as in real life

:oops: this makes me ashamed most of the time, more than anything

(sometimes the're are maybe some exceptionnal cases though...)


Karmacomposer wrote: He said nothing to anyone, that I know of.
I knew nothing either in advance about the announcement a few days ago, but I can categorically state that William has been thinking of this in principal (although it would have evolved in detail) since last year. It was not an impulsive Crazy Willy idea. :wink:
Some of my music Soundcloud Goseba


full support to williamk!!!!!!!!


Isn't this lynch a developer week? Did I miss it? Oh darn.

There's a LOT of pent up frustrations being vented.
What ever happened to civilized discourse?

+1 for William.
ImageCakewalk/Sonar Plugin Management Tools


William has always been very very good to me going all the way back to pre-DaAlpha2K days. In my opinion he is a good person. It's very hard to watch what's going on right now and not get involved. We're with you William, hope everything works out for the best.
None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


I hope no one thinks I am saying anything bad or negative about William.

On the contrary, I have defended him most the way, only calling his ideas a bit wacky (which I believe is true).

However, he has ALWAYS been a good person with me and I consider him a friend. I stand behind his work 100%. I am NOT part of a lynch mob out to get him or bring him down.

More than likely he did have this formulated over a long period of time, his only mistake was to not publicly announce that on a weekly or monthly basis - a sort of countdown timer - as a long term plan culminating up to this past weekend - and for that he IS being chastised.

I feel bad the language barrier had anything to do with this and I would have GLADLY proofed and changed or at least brought to his attention those things that could have upset the vast number of people that did, in fact, become upset.

It's too late now and I really believe that nothing bad really happened here EXCEPT all this negative bruhaha.

It's amazing the psychology of group think, group dynamics and group assassinations here at KVR.

If this were real life instead of an internet forum, rabid dogs would be chasing down and eating all those even remotely associated with WilliamK.

My goodness this is giving me heartburn!



Good on him, I say. I got the email from Wusik the other day and I can totally understand his position. He might be better off finding someone to take on all the marketing and sales from him, as Maxx Claster seems to have done with ImageLine, but he has decided to go a different way, which is his choice.
I bought one version that was on offer for $5 or something but, for some weird reason, ROMplers seem to be something that hardware does much better than software, so I never really got into it. You'd think ROMplers were perfectly suited to a software set-up, yet nothing I've seen comes close to my microX. Even gigs of samples doesn't seem to do any better than the 64Mb ROM in a hardware workstation. I can't make any sense of it, but there it is.
Good luck William, and all the best for your new direction!
NOVAkILL : Asus RoG Flow Z13, Core i9, 16GB RAM, Win11 | EVO 16 | Studio One | bx_oberhausen, GR-8, JP6K, Union, Hexeract, Olga, TRK-01, SEM, BA-1, Thorn, Prestige, Spire, Legend-HZ, ANA-2, VG Iron 2 | Uno Pro, Rocket.


Well said BONES. I wish only success for William. To me the real power of Wusikstation isn't as a ROMpler but as a wavesequencer. Some of the sounds I've gotten by loading a series of samples and letting the wavesequencer cycle thru them send chills down my spine. Not the type of sounds you would be interested in and quite frankly other than for Sci-Fi film scores or ambient type stuff wouldn't be of much use but I enjoy playing them. As a ROMpler it takes the place of my aging and dust collecting U220 for layered type sounds so popular a while back. You know the Choirs+Strings+Piano type sounds. She can do a fair Virtual Analog as well with a few Saw waves or waves from classic synths loaded but I'll admit the filters aren't as lush as Wasp XT's. Oooooh Wusikstation with Wasp's filters.........I'd buy that synth right now.
None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


I didnt see anyone complaining about ReFX Nexus and no acoustic sounds, their
Nexus actually has many acoustic sounds.
Orchestral, Guitar, and a hq piano by siedlazcec
---regards elijah
music rules the world


I'm actually happy to say a few negative things here and there - as has probably been seen.

I was worried when the whole mag membership came up in the first place that something like this would happen. You know I've never had a problem paying for the upgrades to Wusikstation - even pre-purchasing the upgrades. I just wasn't interested in the other stuff he was talking about offering.

As long as Wusikstation kept rolling out I was willing to pay for the enhancements. But in truth I just don't want a magazine, a bazillion new "membership" sounds and I'm not terribly interested in the other products he's been talking about.

I have taken a membership at this point as I do actually want to see Wusikstation continuing to be developed. I think actually the best route for me is to purchase one of Karma's upcoming excellent products to upgrade, but I'm just not sure what happens next really - V6? Who knows? And the only constant with William is a never-ending series of knee-jerk changes in direction.

I probably should look for something else a little more stable - but to be honest, even just spec-shopping I can't find anything that looks like what I want. Wusikstation is my favourite VST and I really think William is a fantastic developer - and I hasten to add he's actually been very good to me as well.

I personally don't think this will work out for William and it probably won't be long until another "model" pops its head up.

I don't feel any hatred to him at all, but I'm constantly bemused and sometimes frustrated by the way he runs his business. If I wasn't a customer of his I wouldn't care in this slightest by the way - and I probably wouldn't participate in any way in these threads. I just sometimes want to shake him and say "Willy - snap out of it!"

If I was independently wealthy I'd probably want to buy Wusikstation off William at this point and commission him for each update while he does whatever else he wants to do for his $X per month. I'd have maybe a yearly major update with an intense beta test period and the upgrades would definitely be paid upgrades. But I wouldn't stress about not making enough profit because I'd already be independently wealthy you see? I'd just want to cover at least some of my losses. It all sounds so lovely - until I wake up and realise that I'm not independently wealthy and unless things change quite drastically, I'm not likely to be either - oh now look what you've made me do, I need to have a drink now. :hihi:

Happiness is the hidden behind the obvious.


By now, everyone has read what I have written in other threads. The opinions there were my own (duh), and they cover a long period of time - starting well before Wusik was developed. The last message from WilliamK was just the end for me. However, a lot of what I said and the actions that followed, are based upon what I think and not what I know. I want to make that crystal clear. I didn't, and I don't, expect anyone else to agree with me in total, or even in part.

I want to say some positive things about WilliamK and Wusikstation.

1. I have never lost a penny purchasing WilliamK's products.
2. WilliamK has always provided prompt, and courteous, support.
3. Wusikstation is stable. I pre-ordered the first version before it even had a name. Whenever there was a bug, which almost every new product and new version has, WilliamK promptly squashed it.
4. Wusikstation provides a lot of bang for the buck.
5. There are outstanding basic soundsets; there are outstanding soundsets that come with membership; and there are outstanding soundsets that come from 3rd party developers.
6. Monthly membership is well-worth the $9.95 it costs. I realize money is relative, so I'll amend that to say I think it's well-worth it.

I am leaving for my own reasons, many of which are personal. I have already given away Wusikstation and the soundsets that I didn't directly purchase from 3rd party developers. I wish WilliamK, everyone using Wusikstation, WUSIK members, and 3rd party developers, all the best. I'm not going to use Wusikstation, but I am going to use standalone products from 3rd party developers and soundsets from other 3rd party developers.

If WUSIK membership works flawlessly from now on, and if Wusikstation makes it all the way to v20, I will be extremely pleased. This situation, for me, is similar to a family falling-out. You still love them, but you just can't deal with them right now. In this case, however, it's permanent instead of not now. ------- maybe not so permanent; but a break is warranted.

Last edited by LarryAW on Wed Jun 04, 2008 5:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.


The best thing about William is that one day he'll be dust in the wind just like the rest of us.

Jens, "B.t.w.: it appears I was wrong"

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