is stylus rmx still worth buying?

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Instruments Discussion


For programming your own beats with one-shot samples it was never competitive with Battery, Geist, etc., but for the people saying that contemporary tools can do the same loop-related things as Stylus RMX at a lower price: can you name examples? I'd really like to know about them.


There really isn't anything else like it out there. Stuff like the time designer, groove lock - it's so fast and easy to work with.

All that said - sheesh it is showing its age so badly. I'm very reluctantly turning to other (lesser) plugins more and more, which have more up to date and less over-used sonics. Also the lack of a tag browser or basic search box (the only one of Spectrasonics three products without these) means I can't find stuff with the same speed as the rest of the Spectrasonics range, and prevents me just filling the engine with more 3rd party stuff.

RMX 2 - or its otherwise named successor - is coming, they've said that. Who knows if its a month or decade away though. As it is, it gets a guarded recommendation, likely of most interest if the unique workflow and feature-set appeals to you.
W11, Ryzen 7900, 64gb RAM, RME Babyface, 1050ti, PT 2024 Ultimate, Cubase Pro 13
Macbook Air M2 OSX 10.15


noiseboyuk wrote:I'm very reluctantly turning to other (lesser) plugins more and more, which have more up to date and less over-used sonics.
Everybody seems to say that, and I must say I don't quite understand. Have snare or hi hat sounds really changed so radically in the last 10 years? Or are you referring to using factory loops that presumably thousands of other people have used in their songs? Just curious.


andrew732 wrote:
noiseboyuk wrote:I'm very reluctantly turning to other (lesser) plugins more and more, which have more up to date and less over-used sonics.
Everybody seems to say that, and I must say I don't quite understand. Have snare or hi hat sounds really changed so radically in the last 10 years? Or are you referring to using factory loops that presumably thousands of other people have used in their songs? Just curious.
Both actually. Its funny how much even kicks and snares change in style. To pick one cliche pretty much come and gone - you won't find a really good Pendulum kick and snare in Stylus. Yes, you could layer and use loads of effects, but that's kind of defeating the point of something that's designed to be quick to use.

Loops of course are even more of an acute problem. Tweaking a loop or combining loops is fun and easy (LOVE their simplify control too) but with each passing year it feels however much you disguise them, there they still are, used on TV shows around the world daily. And stylistically, very much old school. I like a lot of that anyway, but missing out on the last 10-15 years of musical evolution is a pretty big hole.
W11, Ryzen 7900, 64gb RAM, RME Babyface, 1050ti, PT 2024 Ultimate, Cubase Pro 13
Macbook Air M2 OSX 10.15


andrew732 wrote:For programming your own beats with one-shot samples it was never competitive with Battery, Geist, etc., but for the people saying that contemporary tools can do the same loop-related things as Stylus RMX at a lower price: can you name examples? I'd really like to know about them.
Its already been mentioned..Tranfuser. At half its price.


I want this but it's more than logic x with no demo
I can't find any deep house audio examples on spectrasonics site or youtube.
It's hard to justify spending on this blind


I'd probably wait if you're not sure it does what you want now, otherwise you risk buying something old, and then possibly having it outdated very quickly if a major new paid update version appears soon (however, no-one knows if and when - could be tomorrow, could be a year or two, could be never...)


Yeah I hear what your saying but the concept seems great and fast for building drum layers, I emailed spectrasonics and told them about this, they said they were supporting rmx for years to come so I shouldn't worry. Of course I was thinking it's been out a while maybe I buy it and they release rmx 2 but most developers offer deals to upgrade if you purchased an old version within a time frame of the new version releasing. I was wondering if spectrasonics would just say yes it's great for house find some examples here but they didn't seem too interested.


I've got Stylus RMX here, but not the Stylus RMX Xpanded, I'm not into using breakbeats or loops at all anymore(It's no longer installed even) so I was considering selling it, it seems to have a $50 transfer fee, they are a bit off-putting when coming to selling but I think I have finally got permission(they make it awkward and keep repeating the same questions etc). I don't even know if it's financially worth selling because it's not 'Xpanded' version even.

Should I hold onto it incase of some awesome useable update or ditch it?

Anyone know it's worth secondhand?


I still use it very regularly. I have a huge collection of found sound loops and homemade breakbeats, and stylus makes using them absurdly easy. It doesn't do anything kontakt can't do or probably many other programs, but what it does it does quickly and easily. As a working composer with deadlines to meet I still find it incredibly useful.

Also Re the factory sounds, they have been used to death untweaked, straight out of the box as the backbone of tons of songs and cues, but even 30 seconds of playing with the editing features and effects and you can still get something useful out of them as well.

Don't F**K with Mr. Zero.


Thanks for your opinion - but do you think it needs to become more of a drum sampler/beat slicer without the need for a 3rd party software(Recycle) - I really not sure what they can add to beat Geist, Maschine etc etc? Their are times where I like to use a breakbeat, but not very often. Do we ever think we'll see a new version that would be worth the upgrade? I'm just in two minds, sell it cheap or hold on for a new version(and maybe even reinstall it in the meantime)? I did find it very clunky at times also...


sound quality and depth of content is great as are the innovative processing features,
however, lack of visually appealing and easy to use GUI + old school/cliched sounds makes this a
non satisfactory experience and a very infrequently used tool for me


Ah_Dziz wrote:It doesn't do anything kontakt can't do or probably many other programs
Hmm, really? How do you change the time sig of a loop in Kontakt, and provide a bunch of variations? How do you time lock 8 grooves to each other? How do you simplify a groove?

These are the kinds of features that keep me coming back to Stylus, and make it still unique and really fun to work with. Unlike some of the posters above, by and large I find it very intuitive and quick. One exception is in forming groups from slices - it's pretty easy once you know, but not exactly intuitive I'd admit. Oh, and the lack of tag browsing or even basic searching is a major handicap.

As ever, who knows when RMX2 / Whatever The Replacement Will Be Called will appear. I'd expect it to be groundbreaking, and blur the lines between single hits and loops, being able to switch out elements of loops with single hits seamlessly etc. When it comes, I'd expect it to blow everything else out of the water, and there will doubtless be a good upgrade deal for existing users. However, whether that day arrives tomorrow on 2035, who knows.
W11, Ryzen 7900, 64gb RAM, RME Babyface, 1050ti, PT 2024 Ultimate, Cubase Pro 13
Macbook Air M2 OSX 10.15


noiseboyuk wrote:
Ah_Dziz wrote:It doesn't do anything kontakt can't do or probably many other programs
Hmm, really? How do you change the time sig of a loop in Kontakt, and provide a bunch of variations? How do you time lock 8 grooves to each other? How do you simplify a groove?

These are the kinds of features that keep me coming back to Stylus, and make it still unique and really fun to work with. Unlike some of the posters above, by and large I find it very intuitive and quick. One exception is in forming groups from slices - it's pretty easy once you know, but not exactly intuitive I'd admit. Oh, and the lack of tag browsing or even basic searching is a major handicap.

As ever, who knows when RMX2 / Whatever The Replacement Will Be Called will appear. I'd expect it to be groundbreaking, and blur the lines between single hits and loops, being able to switch out elements of loops with single hits seamlessly etc. When it comes, I'd expect it to blow everything else out of the water, and there will doubtless be a good upgrade deal for existing users. However, whether that day arrives tomorrow on 2035, who knows.
Sample start/ loop modulation, wave editor, scripting to effect both. There are lots of ways to do it. I'd rather do it in RMX because that's my go to when it comes to sliced loops, but I know the market is more heavily saturated in this department (loop and sample pattern based production) these days. Since I use mostly my own stuff, I'd mostly just like to see an easier way to import loops and single hits along with adding some of the new effects and sample manipulations that omnisphere has. I'm personally not that interested in content from spectrasonics. I'm more a fan of their easy to use workstation approach to their products.
Don't F**K with Mr. Zero.


To add to noiseboyuk, I would also expect Stylus /product next to be able to plug-into Omnisphere like Trillian and Keyscape. For me, that's icing on the cake.

Yes, it's old, but it has lots of value. You can easily import any REX sample library and convert it to RMX. Quick how-to here:

If this all seems foreign and you're looking for immediate gratification, then you should pass.

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