How About Some Less Expensive Synths?

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Urs wrote:I agree about keeping the portfolio focussed.
We have gone through these scenarios several times.
I wouldn't underestimate the inherant value of your product registration system*.
By eliminating one of the most aggravating aspects of a virtual studio,
musicians can buy your products without a worry.

I'd like to see a modeled mallet-instrument system*, and
a modeled acoustic bodied stringed instrument*,
and something like the effects portion of Guitar Rig*,
or linux rakarrack, to which new modules (Ubiks extended*) could continually
be added (a kash kow), and then a midi out with latch mode for your
synths that have sequencers, (and not* as a free update)
And might as well throw in the nearly mythical drum machine*,
modeled or otherwise

If you could snatch Dimension Pro from the ashes of Cakewalk,
and lock it in the dungeon for a few of months with the brain trust,
you'd have a great sample* based addition
for rounding out the product line. :hyper:

* = cash potential enhanced by the value of problem free registration



Bring on the $20 OBX clone.............. :party:
None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


glokraw wrote: If you could snatch Dimension Pro from the ashes of Cakewalk,
and lock it in the dungeon for a few of months with the brain trust,
you'd have a great sample* based addition
for rounding out the product line. :hyper:
I would eat that up
Don't feed the gators,y'all


But a computer music magazine and get BazilleCM and ZebraCM, which are exactly what you're talking about - cut down versions. If the magazine is too expensive, download Tyrell.

These three synths are very good and cost basically nothing. I don't know any other developer that gives out such good synths for nothing.


How About Some Less Expensive Synths?
Well, it depends what "less expensive synths" means...

So alright, I'm gonna play it this way - Zebralette is one of my favorite synths. I open it up regularly because I rilly, rilly like the GUI, the crisp clear sound, and all of that wave shaping power, and the stablity. And it is free! FREE I SAY!

How in the "heck"- man :hihi: does that work? :clap:

I might go on to argue that it is worth $50.00. Yeah, I said that...not kidding either, and I'd like to hear what some of you guys think.

Now then, when I read Urs Heckman's posts around here, half the time he sounds like a synth technician, and half the time he sounds like a business man! So hey, if u-he is doing well, then maybe that is why? Sure, I can dig it...focus on your market, the ever changing global economy, shit like that... :hihi:

My point is...if u-he is doing fine, in this pretty tough industry, they should probably continue the strategy, and maybe not "rock the boat".

Grizzellda's analysis!


OK, then...if nobody wants less less expensive synths (so u-he can conceivably make some more bucks), then how about some more free synths like ZebraCM, BazilleCM and Zebralette?


Why is this so important to you?

Each new project involves a certain amount of resource and support time that can be used to make the core offering better. It's not as if there aren't other things in the portfolio, such as FilterScape, that wouldn't benefit from being reworked with u-he's more recent frameworks, filters and stuff. FilterScape presumably falls into the category of "less expensive" in any case.


I like to see new ideas and concepts as applied to synthesis and because u-he is so good at what it does. I know that most of its effort goes into maintaining and improving its core lineup. But a new design (not just an emulation) every once and a while is refreshing.


tony10000 wrote:I like to see new ideas and concepts as applied to synthesis and because u-he is so good at what it does. I know that most of its effort goes into maintaining and improving its core lineup. But a new design (not just an emulation) every once and a while is refreshing.
That's exactly what Zebra3 is: a new design and new ideas learned from Zebra2 plus Urs' newfound love of Eurorack modules. What does this have to do with cheap or free?
Feel free to call me Brian.


tony10000 wrote:I like to see new ideas and concepts as applied to synthesis and because u-he is so good at what it does. I know that most of its effort goes into maintaining and improving its core lineup. But a new design (not just an emulation) every once and a while is refreshing.
This has what to do with less expensive (or free) or less compute-intensive?

What new concept do you want? The only thing I can see that's missing from the portfolio, and which has been mentioned above, is something that handles samples. Or maybe some massive extension in the scripting department. But there's a ton of other things out there with a head start in sample playback or granular, so it would have to offer something pretty special to make a dent (other than considerable brand loyalty).

The alternative is basically asking them to half-ass a bunch of half-baked, half-finished things and watch the reputation go down the toilet.


FM and additive come to mind. Look at some of the Image Line designs like Harmor/Harmless, Sytrus and Toxic Biohazard. Or Dune 2's combination of VA, FM and wavetable.


I'd like to see u-he take on a playable vocal synth that sounds like a real voice :)


"I'd like to see u-he take on a playable vocal synth that sounds like a real voice :)"

Or one that can process and mangle samples like Harmor with a vocoder added.


tony10000 wrote:FM.
Zebra2 and Bazille both do an excellent job of FM. Zebra's FMOs are more tame and Bazille lets you get wild.
Or Dune 2's combination of VA, FM and wavetable
Zebra2 has been doing this for over 10 years now. I'm genuinely confused why you think u-he doesn't have a synth in this category.
Feel free to call me Brian.


How about one that is less than $100 and has a streamlined UI like Serum?

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