Bespoke Synth - Free multi-platform modular DAW

Modular Synth design and releases (Reaktor, SynthEdit, Tassman, etc.)


Standalone only.
Kalamata Kid wrote: Sat Sep 25, 2021 10:34 pm Gotta say Bespoke looks interesting.
Great that you can see the data flow through the cables.
Hope that can be turned on and off.

Bespoke is a stand-alone but is it also a VSTi plugin.
Great that it can host VST's.
For me the big problem with HollyHock is that it will not
run as a VST so hope Bespoke can.

Is it multi-touch capable?


But plans to make it a VST... :-)
Baconpaul of Surge etc. Fame hopped on the project and currently they are streamlining it from a 10-year one-man-show to a community project with automatic builds etc.
The current version 1.0 has some issues with VSTs, Python etc. so it's advised to compile the latest version yourself.
Or wait for the next updates.

No multitouch ATM AFAIK.

More info, examples etc. can be found on the Discord server.

A really fresh take on what a DAW can be.
Good stuff! :-)

Be sure to watch the intro video:


"Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there." - Rumi
ScreenDream Instagram Mastodon


Probably a good idea to fix the bugs and make it stable before converting into a vst, which seems to contradict the point of it being an experimental dawless playground. Also, seems multiple developers are going to turn one man's vision into another standard DAW product. But I wish the project good luck.
<list your stupid gear here>


Nice workflow , reminds me of my nord modular , not yet convinced by the sound quality and encountered a few bugs .
Set global transport to measure 7/4 , the euclidian sequencer will stop playing note data when it has reached the fourth beat , it will continue for 3 beats but a loud noise burst can occur , no notes are played beyond measure 4
Second bug
Route a gate sequencer into a note sequencer , so the note sequencer advances a step defined by the gate sequencer's trigger
Disconnect the gate seq. , now the note sequencer stops and can not be restarted .
I was curious to test it out but don't have the time to post on their dedicated github forum ., maybe someone else will .
Eyeball exchanging
Soul calibrating ..frequencies


OMG, just noticed it today, coz' Airwindows demonstrates his plugins under Bespoke.
Workflow and UI/UX semm to have some great ideas.
Was surprised people seem to make music with it.


It's really rough so far, but the general concept is appealing. Mild criticism of the channel linking system, would prefer to have multiple pin in/outs for separate channels.


Is it done in Juce? I’d love to see an iOS version as well…


I "worked" with it a lot a while ago. I'm not sure I'd go back to it now - I'm kinda welded to VCV Rack these days - but it has some very cool modules, and I love the signal flow display of the cables. I'm sure someone will make some great music with it. Nice to have another fine and free virtual modular environment.


I find it really cool that you can modulate even the UI scale


the latest update is really great. the VST plug in manager is excellent. such a great environment he's made. on twitter he posted that all income from Bespoke is going to charity. already $1000+ so far.

there's also a discord for it now. it's had many improvements and fixes.


Bugs are still there in 1.1
Eyeball exchanging
Soul calibrating ..frequencies


gentleclockdivider wrote: Fri Nov 26, 2021 5:45 am Bugs are still there in 1.1
i'm sure he has a list of bugs to squash in each version update.. but you should relay w/bug reports or check out the Discord and post them there. he seems pretty active and motivated even though this is not his day job. seems pretty motivated to improve it.


Bespoke has huge potential and the modulators are amazing
But it's amazing no one has mentioned the awfull sounding osc's , they alias like crazy .
SOundquality wise there is lot's of room for improvement
Opening up midi out for the sequencer-pulse modules and modulators would bring this program to a whole new level.
Eyeball exchanging
Soul calibrating ..frequencies


Damn it already does midi out !
Eyeball exchanging
Soul calibrating ..frequencies


Hey all... just discovered Bespoke, looks amazing - I have a question though:

I notice in the reference there is an OSC output module:
"send OSC messages when slider values change or when notes are received"

Would this mean I could build, say, a sequencer in Bespoke, then use it to control a specific VST within Reaper, or other OSC-compatible DAW? (I'm only interested in sending midi information, not audio)

I've never used OSC so am a bit clueless as to what can be done with it... in an ideal world, it would be fantastic if Bespoke could run as a hosted VST within a DAW, but am wondering if using OSC might be a workaround to achieve a similar aim?

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