Will the AI soon take over everything?

How to do this, that and the other. Share, learn, teach. How did X do that? How can I sound like Y?


foosnark wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2023 12:49 pm If we ever have real AI, maybe it'll listen to and/or make music because it enjoys it. And to that I say.... great! Maybe they'll make music I want to hear too. Maybe I'll make music they want to hear. No doubt they'll also develop genres that only they can appreciate, but I also think anything on that level would find inspiration in human collaboration.
Nope, I think you're underestimating that. Ever since the internet
came along, "the song" itself has been devalued: Anyone could
copy it, every song is immediately available to kids today - and as
a result lost its uniqueness and specialness. The days of the
seventies, when every album was regarded as a special work of
art, almost religiously revered - those are long gone. This is
because every song is actually available immediately.

And AI turns exactly this screw many more turns: not only every
song is available, no. The AI also writes every song - after just a
few specifications. Any type of music, new, old, progressive or
anything else - is created from scratch by the AI in a matter of
seconds. This degrades songs even further - to a kind of everyday
background noise. Songwriters don't actually exist anymore - or
they are very isolated autistic critters ... :D
foosnark wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2023 12:49 pm The main issues we're going to have with "AI" is not that humans
will be obsolete as such, but the trouble that's already here: ...
Nice that you are thinking about it so carefully. I can understand
the individual points well. However, I believe that the most
serious is this:
foosnark wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2023 12:49 pm Misinformation/disinformation spread by chatbots to people all too
willing to believe them uncritically.
We already have a dramatic erosion of society through
conspiracy theories and chatbot campaigns. AI will exacerbate
this considerably - one can only hope that politicians will also
recognize this danger and take appropriate measures. :)
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enroe wrote: Sat Aug 05, 2023 9:12 am
And AI turns exactly this screw many more turns: not only every
song is available, no. The AI also writes every song - after just a
few specifications. Any type of music, new, old, progressive or
anything else - is created from scratch by the AI in a matter of
seconds. This degrades songs even further - to a kind of everyday
background noise. Songwriters don't actually exist anymore - or
they are very isolated autistic critters ... :D
You got a source for this claim? Because this doom and gloom sounds purely hypothetical, i.e. it only exists in your mind.Please show me some well-crafted music created from scratch by an AI in a matter of seconds, and maybe i'll start to believe you. Maybe chatgpt wrote your post to throw us off? :lol:

Also there are a ton of songwriters who actually exist, and aren't "autistic critters;" most people just don't post on forums. Live music scene is still going strong (and getting stronger) where I am, and I'm happy to be a part of it myself. Anecdotal, sure, but with more basis in reality than some doomsday claim of "ai has already replaced us"

every lyric i've tried to generate with it seems to be caught up on the exact same trite rhyme scheme, despite attempts to steer it other directions. it has a basic understanding of cadence, but it's very much "see and say," about as poetic as the average facebook wine mom.


she is immediately cowped

every dystopian future is gunned down by gunbots


It may write good lyrics, but I asked it to write a movie scene and it was very lame. You also have to be a little careful in how you ask. I asked it to rewrite a scene I wrote that takes place in 1500's England and told it I needed the scene to be in the language of the time. I meant the dialogue, but it wrote the whole scene over in Olde English. It was kind of funny. Chat wrote lyrics for me. Good poetry, but I don't think it would make a good song.

In the silence of the night, tears fall like rain,
A heart shattered into pieces, consumed by pain.
Memories linger, haunting every thought,
Love once so strong, now a battle fought.

Oh, this sad love, a bittersweet melody,
Lost in the echoes of what used to be.
Aching hearts yearning, longing for release,
In the depths of sorrow, seeking inner peace.

<kind of haiku-like.


funky lime wrote: Sat Aug 05, 2023 10:23 am
enroe wrote: Sat Aug 05, 2023 9:12 am
And AI turns exactly this screw many more turns: not only every
song is available, no. The AI also writes every song - after just a
few specifications. Any type of music, new, old, progressive or
anything else - is created from scratch by the AI in a matter of
seconds. This degrades songs even further - to a kind of everyday
background noise. Songwriters don't actually exist anymore - or
they are very isolated autistic critters ... :D
You got a source for this claim? Because this doom and gloom sounds purely hypothetical, i.e. it only exists in your mind.Please show me some well-crafted music created from scratch by an AI in a matter of seconds, and maybe i'll start to believe you. Maybe chatgpt wrote your post to throw us off? :lol:

Also there are a ton of songwriters who actually exist, and aren't "autistic critters;" most people just don't post on forums. Live music scene is still going strong (and getting stronger) where I am, and I'm happy to be a part of it myself. Anecdotal, sure, but with more basis in reality than some doomsday claim of "ai has already replaced us"

every lyric i've tried to generate with it seems to be caught up on the exact same trite rhyme scheme, despite attempts to steer it other directions. it has a basic understanding of cadence, but it's very much "see and say," about as poetic as the average facebook wine mom.
Yeah without actual life experience, or feelings, or any real sense of meaning, anything created is just going to be a bunch of cliches strung together to mimic the appearance of creativity without actually creating anything new or meaningful


the AI-led music industry will necessitate 'better drugs' lol
"There is no strength in numbers... have no such misconception... but when you need me be assured I won't be far away."


Last edited by seangm on Sun Aug 06, 2023 2:19 am, edited 1 time in total.


Me, I sometimes kinda hope it does: I've had my heart broken too many times because bands, shows, books, whatever get cancelled... and having my own AI to make unlimited stuff tailored to my tastes sometimes sounds wonderful. Sometimes.
Wait... loot _then_ burn? D'oh!


a bunch of cliches strung together to mimic the appearance of creativity without actually creating anything new or meaningful
Perfect description of 99% of today's "music". :D
The hole is deeper than the hum of its farts


AI will be disrupt just about everything. But just as with when the internet came and spelled doom on so many businesses, lots of new doors opened with it and I think that's exactly what will happen with AI. Lots of professions and crafts will disappear and completely new ones will take form. Who could have imagined that people would have their professions and even get rich by making videos for YT back in 2000?

One door closes and another door opens. It's always been like that.
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dreamkeeper wrote: Sun Aug 06, 2023 2:06 am
a bunch of cliches strung together to mimic the appearance of creativity without actually creating anything new or meaningful
Perfect description of 99% of today's "music". :D
Oh yes it's well suited to 'pop' but not to anything more substantial.


AI will only be as good as the idiot who chose to use it in any field. Most likely someone looking for a short cut, not very good at music, no good at mixing and a rather hopeless tinkerer overall.

AI is going to separate the artists from futurist hobby.

And make no mistake an artist can be amateur or professional and still have very good ideas and execute them successfully without resorting to a meaningless cop out that AI is within the creative industries.

A decade has been a long wait to find out that it is still a load of rubbish in many areas. Fooling only those who know no better.

You will have to understand that to achieve some satisfaction within creativity it needs to come from inside otherwise it is probably empty. Which is fine if you make music with a view to being meaningless and with no human value. You know yourself if you put some time and effort into a craft and that is probably the most important thing to be extracted. Enjoyment, pleasure, satisfaction, progress, surprising yourself, working through challenges and adversity, developing skills, feeling happy, a sense of achievement with something you completed.

The rest is not creativity and you will feel that inside yourself. Be cautious about what you put time into and what you let inside your psyche and being. You broadly become much of what you absorb.

What you feel inside yourself is vital for living a good life that is worth living so be very careful with it.


Synthman2000 wrote: Sun Aug 06, 2023 8:40 am AI will only be as good as the idiot who chose to use it in any field. Most likely someone looking for a short cut, not very good at music, no good at mixing and a rather hopeless tinkerer overall.

AI is going to separate the artists from futurist hobby.

And make no mistake an artist can be amateur or professional and still have very good ideas and execute them successfully without resorting to a meaningless cop out that AI is within the creative industries.

A decade has been a long wait to find out that it is still a load of rubbish in many areas. Fooling only those who know no better.

You will have to understand that to achieve some satisfaction within creativity it needs to come from inside otherwise it is probably empty. Which is fine if you make music with a view to being meaningless and with no human value. You know yourself if you put some time and effort into a craft and that is probably the most important thing to be extracted. Enjoyment, pleasure, satisfaction, progress, surprising yourself, working through challenges and adversity, developing skills, feeling happy, a sense of achievement with something you completed.

The rest is not creativity and you will feel that inside yourself. Be cautious about what you put time into and what you let inside your psyche and being. You broadly become much of what you absorb.

What you feel inside yourself is vital for living a good life that is worth living so be very careful with it.
all very pertinent.

i think one main concern is that AI will replace "music as product," particularly on the lower end of the budget spectrum, putting a lot of composers out of work. lots of people who make a living writing music for TV, streaming videos, games, etc might be out of a job soon.

but for hobbyists and amateurs (i.e. someone who does not earn money with music), i don't see the danger. if anything, there are new and exciting tools. maybe the bar for entry is lowered, but that just means you've gotta step up your game if you want to be noticed. same as it ever was.

people lamented the death of music when the distorted guitar came about. and music died again when synthesizers came about. and died again when drum machines came about. and died again when autotune came about. and that's just in recent history ...

music has "died" so many times already, and yet oddly, after each death, the number of people making music is higher than it has ever been.

also possible that the surge of ai-music means that the demand for authentic, human-made music actually increases.


The process of making music is enjoyable for creativity. Prompting AI not really creative and also it produces largely a bunch of rubbish same with anything AI, so called tools that I tried, junk ! You might be fooled with no talent no engineering knowledge no idea what good sound is though. That's those people's problem.

It'll sucker enough people for a profit, till the next game changer comes along and the same suckers will part with their cash Ad inifinitum.

Music/Tv - the really bad pure electronic stuff might be fair game, for Youtube content and TV/Video/Film producers who are rubbish at their jobs or just just don't care.

It'll probably be mixed like trash, "mastering" well even after 10 years AI mastering is beyond a joke. How much money did they suck from gullible subs for toilet audio mastering.

If they can up the band width from 10kHz of whatever it is, is that some bad joke as well ? Especially generic beds under narration. For now I don't think even they have to worry.

If you want junky suck music for robots to consume and chat about AI will be great.


ai is just another source or tool to extract from

hear something likeable that ai made, some fragment
keep it and put in your own song

not so different from noodling
noodling is searching for fragments of keepable music?

does it matter what instruments you use to noodle?
guitar, keyboard, wall of modules, randomizers

ai is just another instrument?
reject 99 percent of what ai spits out and keep the 1 percent
or maybe even keep 99 percent if you like it
it's still a human making the keepings and rejections

there's so many steps in making a song
the songmaker chooses all steps
it's the songmaker's song in the end

even led zeppelin's "plagiarized" songs are really unique
because although the blues may be in led zeppelin,
that led zeppelin thing is not in the blues
because jimmy page put in extra stuff that the blues lacks
the stuff that works

so, you, the songmaker can plagiarize the ai
but you put extra stuff with it
and it become yours?
ah böwakawa poussé poussé

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