What made you start playing guitar?

A forum for discussion of all things guitar!


jimmy page is the one that made me want to play guitar
but then at some point i thought,
"i'm never going to be that good"
so i quit

but after that i thought,
"hmm, john lennon is no jimmy page"
"i want to be john lennon instead"

but what john lennon did is even harder
words + melodies
but i'm not quitting
i'm still into songwriting
i don't need to play guitar for that
ah böwakawa poussé poussé


Don’t remember what exactly triggered it. I was interested in music long before I grabbed the guitar, first played classical piano, and then expanded to the jazz/pop/rock genre.
Since have played all rock-band instruments, and of course the digital world with DAWs, samples and modellining opened new worlds, towards producing music.

Still playing ”real” guitar, bass and piano have remained the main source of happiness for me, in the music.
(Just today layed another set of basic tracks with this combo.)


the piano was too heavy to hang around my neck
"There is no strength in numbers... have no such misconception... but when you need me be assured I won't be far away."


donkey tugger wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 11:43 am Johnny f**king Marr has a lot to answer for.
Me too. Big New Order fan, loved Stephen Morris; wanted to be a drummer.

Then I heard "William It Was Really Nothing" and fell in love in the first 10 seconds. Had to play guitar after that.
Soundcloud: Nation of Korea vs Shitty Dog


MadDogE134 wrote: Sat Oct 07, 2023 4:07 pm the piano was too heavy to hang around my neck
Is that the way people play that instrument in your neighborhood? Funny people, wherever you come from. :x


MadDogE134 wrote: Sat Oct 07, 2023 4:07 pm the piano was too heavy to hang around my neck

One christmas my dad hands me a card and says this is your present. I opened it and it said Go look in the hall closet.
So i check and inside was an electric guitar on a stand next to an amp.
He then said lessons start the following week on fridays after school.
I was 8 years old.
By 9 I was playing Tom Sawyer (not the solo but all else including the synth lick just for kicks).
If anyone wants my autograph, ask nicely and Ill sign a napkin.
Ask not what your DAW can do for you, but what you can do with your DAW


play by ear but formally taught to play piano at age 6. got my first guitar at age 10. in first band at age 16 (when i could drive lol) been playing guitar and bass for over 52+ years now. also played trumpet, slide trombone, recorder, flute and penny whistle but quit sightreading music around 1980. i sing too and fiddle around with harmonica. my love is and has always been guitar but sadly arthritis is starting to take it's toll.


p.s. as for Rush... 2112 (Overture+Temple of Syrinx), Tom Sawyer, Limelight, Witch Hunt, Twilight Zone and A Passage To Bangkok (to name a few) made it into many a set list with cover bands from Georgia to Ohio and back :) (quit performing in '94)
"There is no strength in numbers... have no such misconception... but when you need me be assured I won't be far away."


Van Halen. Parents said, "No. You'll just make noise."
So they got me a Casio keyboard instead.
I was thinking Panama, but they were thinking Jump.

A few years later, Guns N' Roses inspired another try.
This time, parents gave in and got me an acoustic.
I was thinking Sweet Child O' Mine, but they were thinking Patience.

After a couple years more, I finally got an electric and an amp.
Turns out they were right about the noise.


My dream in the beginning was to be rhythm guitarist ,for a while was in a band,they rejected me as not very talented and perspective member of their cover band (my playing wasn't so bad actually,just don't like to play covers and remember the vocalist said ,that if somebody dream to become better than his idols and to make original music is waste of time and pure fantasy ) hahahaha then get better with solo playing and start my own band,but in my heart i'm rhythm guitarist - to me the difference is the focus on playing,solo players use more left hand as tool,rhythm ones focus on right one or both - even same part played by rhythm and solo players with equal skills sounds different because of the focus in playing.
Dare to say rhythm guitarist play more interesting and expressive way if they are good enough to combine solo and rhythm parts in one package.
Example of that are flamenco guitar players.
I had forgotten for years how fun is actually playing acoustic and electric guitar.
Cheers :)


Good question! Rammstein and Metallica motivated me at start!


After playing air guitar 4 years I purchased a electric guitar when I was 16 1984. I had quit school and got a job and it was a cheap guitar. What inspired me? 80’s metal.


Heard the album electric ladyland when I was 14 and was blown away


starlitewalker wrote: Tue Oct 31, 2023 7:43 pm Heard the album electric ladyland when I was 14 and was blown away
yeah good old albums i miss them,had hundreds on tapes...most inspiration was to go to music store and to listen a new album with headphones,to be blown away with the sound enough to buy it and to save for better sound system listening same album on home casete player back in 90s...



An injury that left me with semi paralysis in my right arm. I began playing for therapy, and still play now, nearly forty years later. Best occupational therapy ever.

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