[ runagate ] more irritating sounds

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I was toying with the idea of making it "warped accapella".
Just modifying and destroying my vocals.


Jazzyspoon wrote:Cool, Ugo! Garage SmearTech!!
runagate wrote:@ugo - wow! that's extreme! I love the rhythmic breaks. I only got a chance to listen 3 times before I had to run off and get things done, but thanks, I can't believe you managed that with the available material. ;)
Glad you guys got a kick out of that. I had fun messing with it. :)
The modifications were pretty much just adding the drums/loops, chopping up a bit in Cubase, and then an extra track where I ran the original through Disturbance and played it back through the pitch shifter on midi control.


Hey runagate...this piece made all of my body's electrons move a different rates and different orbits. Perfect! BTW, LOVE the opening "warp" !!


runagate wrote:I listen to everything at about 80 db, mostly because I like to hear all details but above that you can hear the compression in your ears (dunno what you call the physical mechanism behind that, but it's on my mind having read perception studies a lot recently).
This mechanism is a natural hearing protection device, but it only goes so far. I don't know the name of it either, but it involves very small muscles in the inner ear tightening (I believe they increase the mechanical impedance of the inner ear bones - hammer, anvil and stirrup - as well as the oval window upon which these impart energy from the eardrum).

Hearing itself is transduced from acoustical (outer ear) to mechanical (inner ear bones and mechanism) to fluid (in the cochlea) back to mechanical (fine hairs attached to the basilar membrane in the cochlea) to electrical energy (hairs put into shear fire neurons in the basilar membrane).

Either God or Nature (your decision, not mine) designed us this way and when you subject too much energy to this system, those micro-fine hairs break off. They don't grow back, as far as I'm aware.

Kudos to runagate for limiting his energy input.



When your ears ring it's your little hairs healing, but I don't believe they regenerate once they die.

I just posted a remaster that's less shrill in the first post, here's the link, too, since the OP has Jazzy's hosted one, too.

runagate - Cosying Up To Pericynthian remaster 3


oooooo yeah.

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