Live vs. Reason

Audio Plugin Hosts and other audio software applications discussion


gmstudio wrote:Oh, and my middle name is Robert, can I join the "Rob's making electronica" club, too? :)
Jump on in the cauldron. It's boiling over. Maybe I should have stirred it more vigorously. :-o

Cheers, :)

"Sleep, how I loathe those little slices of death" - EAP


drez wrote:
quincy wrote: People don't buy Reason for its "out of the box sound" thats for bloody sure.
Actually, everyone does. That's the way it comes. You have the same copy as everyone else and they have the exact same modules as you do. If people can't make good music with it, then the fault is with the owner.
quincy wrote: The generators in orion sound a shite load better on there own than the ones in Reason.
I guess we'll just have to disagree on that. I have Orion, and I don't think they are that great, plus you can't do any complex routing with them. With Spiders in Reason, you can make one synth sound pretty incredible.
quincy wrote: "ooh, these subtractor patches sound really fat". Anyone ever here that? Nope, me neither.
Actually, I have. Remix Mag had an interview a couple of months ago with The Crystal Method and they talked about how they loved the Subtractor and used it through out Legion of Boom.

But that's not the only synth in Reason, is it. The Malstrom is awesome and its filters are killer. Plus you can run anything you want THROUGH those filters, create crazy loops, etc. I've only seen one song where the guy made every single sound with a Subtractor and it sounded great because he knew how to use the program.
quincy wrote: And as for the signed artists argument, take it elsewhere son. We've been over this, and you can pick nearly any piece of music software and find a famous artist using it. It doesn't mean shit.
I think you misunderstood my statement. I was stating that those artists can use pretty much whatever they want but they choose to use Reason AS WELL. If it sounds so bad, then why do they use it?
quincy wrote: Reason does have its unique routing, and THAT is the selling point.
Exactly. And that's why its modules sound great.
quincy wrote: ... but the sound?! I think not. Let me put it this way, the built-in synths in most host are fatter and more "immediate" to use than reason, but without the routing flexibility.
But that's just it...they DON'T have the routing flexibility, and that is what makes the Reason modules sound great. If they sound so bad, why are so many artists using Reason?
quincy wrote: And as for this crap about creating sounds that can't be done in other packages?! Now you're really taking the piss my friend. There is no sound in any host that can't be re-created in any other host.
Good luck with that.
quincy wrote: I just can't beleive people really think that their software of choice is in some way "magical" and can do wonderous sounds that can't be imitated. Snap out of it man. Next we'll have bones here trying to tell us all that Orion is the only host that can have this "amazing sound" because of the WaspXT. And i'll tell him to shut it too.
I agree, the Wasp does not sound amazing. But what the Reason modules have going for them is the "amazing routing" capabilites that take them to the next level. The Wasp doesn't.

On the flip side, Reason doesn't have z3ta, Rhino, or Vertigo. But neither does Orion. Orion has the benefit of being able to USE those synths and that's great. Reason doesn't, but it doesn't need to. It does what it does extremely well. Now, with Live4 approaching, I would see no reason to use anything other than Live4+Reason with whatever VSTi's you want and let each do what they do best. Live4 looks like it will be the sequencer of choice and Reason will be able to use its strengths right along side rewired in. Best of both worlds.
Hey there Drez,

First off i must apologise for my rudeness. I was in a bit of a bad mood last night, so i may have put my point across badly!

I guess what i was trying to say is that people DO buy Orion for the sounds, as they do with FLStudio and others. It is ultimately a matter of taste, but i do still believe that it takes some considerable work to get decent sounds out of Reason, and that may be its strong point as it teaches users how to use FX, layer sounds and use a complete line-up to make tracks.

And i still believe that many other hosts are much easier for just "dialing-up" a fat resonant bass patch or something simple like that. When i bought reason, it took ages to get a trance beat/fat bass combo going, whereas in Orion and FLSAtudio it took minutes, because i didn't need FX or layering to do it.

Each to their own i guess, variety is good. Now lets get back to getting excited by Live 4!! :D


I use both Reason and Live. Both are very inspiring to use. As for "(insert reason istruument here) does not sound good" comments; have you ever heard what a real 303 sounds like? With no processing (to me) it sounds pretty crap. You have to put effort into making it sound good with eq and processing. If peeps took the time to program their own sounds then you would not need racks and racks of VST's you hardly ever use.

Learn your instuments and you will...

Save time. Scrolling through instruments and then trying the right preset takes more time than making the sounds yourself although you have to put the effort into really learning it first. The added bonus is that you will have your own sound.

Save money. Id rather spend my money on buying more knobs and sliders than buying yet another peice of software that will need to be updated every year.

Have fun. Speaks for itself :)

At the end of the day everyone thinks and hears diffrently and most sane people could not careless how you make the music. Anyone who has a non music making friend will know the "If I smile and say nothing he will eventully stop" look :)


quincy wrote: Hey there Drez,

First off i must apologise for my rudeness. I was in a bit of a bad mood last night, so i may have put my point across badly!
No harm done Rob (it is Rob, isn't it :D ). It seemed out of character for you to respond like that, so I write it off as a one-off :)
quincy wrote: I guess what i was trying to say is that people DO buy Orion for the sounds, as they do with FLStudio and others. It is ultimately a matter of taste, but i do still believe that it takes some considerable work to get decent sounds out of Reason, and that may be its strong point as it teaches users how to use FX, layer sounds and use a complete line-up to make tracks.

And i still believe that many other hosts are much easier for just "dialing-up" a fat resonant bass patch or something simple like that. When i bought reason, it took ages to get a trance beat/fat bass combo going, whereas in Orion and FLSAtudio it took minutes, because i didn't need FX or layering to do it.
I agree, you can definitely get a better sound "out of the bag" with the others. That's definitely a draw. I sent a "subtractor patch" to lucille that I use sometimes, but it consisted of something like 4 screams, a phaser, a Malstrom for filters, delay, a few spiders, reverbs, unisons, etc all into 5 or so channels on mixer. That's exactly what I like about it! Its still the sound of one subtractor, but its processed through alot of modules. Lucille might not like that patch, but I do. And all those modules didn't make my CPU meter move at all. Is it digital sounding? Definitely...but I like that sound :D
quincy wrote: Each to their own i guess, variety is good. Now lets get back to getting excited by Live 4!! :D
I agree :D I can't wait to be able to use VSTi's in Live4! The whole way they have implemented it is exciting. I was just telling my buddy the other day "if they would only have VSTi clips, then I would be estatic". Well, they delivered and THEN some. They're routing and bussing changes look thrilling.

And if you haven't checked out Energy-XT, I think its one of the coolest sequencers to hit. Adding it in live for its "routing" capabilites is going to be the last addition I'll make.
-="I beat the Internet...the end guy is hard"=-


OOps... just misread the title as "Live vs Reagan"! :D :D :D :D :D

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