Samplitude good, Magix bad

Audio Plugin Hosts and other audio software applications discussion


Sounds amazing in MME mode.
The demo projects.


jens wrote: Sun Mar 31, 2024 1:37 pm
ThomasHelzle wrote: Sun Mar 31, 2024 1:21 pm
Why am I not surprised.
Glacial development
Nope, not at all - the development is very active with updates coming out about once a month (okay, that's not totally accurate - they skipped September, October, November - but then the Dezember release had several significant new features - the monthly releases are mainly bug-fixes)
I was mainly looking at Vegas in my case, which I recently contemplated updating. The UI still feels like something from 20 years ago and version 21 isn't much different from v16 that I have, other than some added effects and - of course - AI stuff.
The basis is still as clumsy and outdated as when Magix bought it.
I'd rather use something different than Resolve and Vegas does some things much more straight forward, but overall it just isn't really cutting it.

Samplitude I gave up on many years ago, although I once had high hopes for it (back when it was still SEK'D...).
"Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there." - Rumi
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Smasha wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2024 2:51 am
jens wrote: Sun Mar 31, 2024 1:35 pm
Smasha wrote: Sun Mar 31, 2024 12:59 pm I put cpu count down to 4.
That seems to have fixed it.

Full release.

What are the best Performance settings?

I have an Audient id 4 mk 2.
So do you use the Audient audio driver? Did you try switching to their generic driver?
"Generic Low Latency ASIO Driver Loading failed
No ASIO Driver error."

Using the Audient ASIO Driver.
Generic Low Latency ASIO driver is the old Steinberg Generic ASIO Driver. You should uninstall it, as it's out of date and they've replaced it with a far better generic driver anyways.

Also go to Windows Registry under HKLM/Software/ASIO and HKCU/Software/ASIO and delete its entries there, as ASIO Drivers tend to persist if the DLLs are left on the machine by an uninstaller and those keys are not removed by the uninstaller.

Steinberg's newer Built-In ASIO driver is fine, though, and probably worth keeping if you use a laptop (on a desktop you really should not need to have any Generic Drivers installed... get an Audio Interface ... or a good Creative sound card with an actual ASIO Driver).

I've never had an issue with Samplitude using that driver when another driver was selected, though.

I struggle to find a reason to recommend Samplitude over Cubase for Engineers or [esp.] Producers. Honestly, this product is being outdeveloped - both for features and bug fixes - by options like Cakewalk Sonar and Tracktion Waveform. There was a lot of potential there, but it's hard to care about potential when its competitors are so developed and moving along at 5x the pace MAGIX moves.

They just released a Sound Forge Pro upgrade that adds almost nothing outside of AI Text to Speech and a 3D Reverb for $199/299 upgrade fee (Pro/Pro Suite). MAGIX's management is completely clueless of the concept of "Reading a Room."

It almost seems like self-sabotage and masochism, at this point.

If I said you are blocked, I won't see your posts. Please kindly refrain from quoting or replying to me.
"Notifications for Nothing" are annoying. Blocking me in return is a good way to avoid this.


Trensharo wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2024 10:25 am I struggle to find a reason to recommend Samplitude over Cubase for Engineers or [esp.] Producers. Honestly, this product is being outdeveloped - both for features and bug fixes - by options like Cakewalk Sonar and Tracktion Waveform. There was a lot of potential there, but it's hard to care about potential when its competitors are so developed and moving along at 5x the pace MAGIX moves.
At version X8 Samplitude has become a very fine and mature piece of software that has quite a lot going for it. But some of that may be hidden from plain sight so you'd need to be an actual user of the current version to know about it. ;-)



If I said you are blocked, I won't see your posts. Please kindly refrain from quoting or replying to me.
"Notifications for Nothing" are annoying. Blocking me in return is a good way to avoid this.


My definiton of insanity is to enter a thread about a certain topic and randomly dropping completely irrelevant, off topic memes. :dog: :lol:


No sound when playing back a Magix Instrument.
Signal coming through visually but no sound.
Record is enabled,monitoring on.

Click can be heard though.

Why can we choose an instrument from the track header when you can choose yet another instrument in the midi section of the track header?

I don't get it.

Trying to get level with the Monitoring Section but moving any dial does nothing.

Tried resetting the Audio Driver.

No sound sigh.

Must be some hidden option or button I ain't seeing.

Samplitude hates my Audient ASIO drivers.

Cubase loves them though.

How do I upgrade the Independence Pro plugin so I can use it in Cubase?

Samplitude too flaky to use as a DAW I'm afraid.




Fixed by selecting Master Stereo in the Monitor Section outputs instead of Audient interface's output channels.


SAmplitude is horrible sorry.
Just quantising notes is a hassle.
They all sound out of time

And just left mouse dragging over a midi note does not work like in Cubase or Reaper.

The note just has a red box around it when you click it and does not move anywhere.
You can't even just click a note into the editor like in other DAWS,all it does is select the notes in that row sigh.

Right mouse click delete works ,yay.

I used the punch replace function when recording but it seems it adds notes over the top of existing ones in replace mode in loop mode for some reason like it's in overdub mode.
Not another menu within a menu within a menu function I haven't ticked or unticked?

Like going back to the stone age this DAW.

And the tiny menus,headache inducing.


I fixed that up by using The Drum Editor .

Very annoying when you move the tiny mouse pointer and the track headers move where ever the pointer is and you lose sight of the pointer due to it being so small.
Now when I draw notes across,it draws double notes like flams.Now the kick and snare notes aren't making a sound even though they do make a sound when I tap the drum editor drum names.
I'm sure another migraine look at 20 things and I will find the solution after an hour sigh.

This DAW is horrible.


Smasha wrote: Tue Apr 02, 2024 9:26 am This DAW is horrible.
Yes, I know...

but then again you said the same about every other DAW yout tried as well.


Independence so buggy.
Sometimes it works,sometimes it doesn't.

All of a sudden it created a midi file and wav files from the multi outs but when I mute the midi channel to play the Audio channels,there is no sound.

I fixed this by putting channels out of record mode lol.

Now another problem.

I want to remove a specific object item but when I click on it,every item lights up orange.

How do I unlink them?

This DAW has a steep learning curve.


Bars and Beats have now disappeared on the time line,just blank.

It seems keys turn on/off different functions at the same time?

I had to consult a specific editor for this task.

And I have been pulling my hair out trying to work out how to select obects and use that to set my loop?

In Cubase you just hit the P key and job done.

Reaper,right mouse click set selection to items,easy.

In Samplitude,?I guess it has it's own editor for this hidden somewhere in the menu items lol.


Trim edges to barline?

I select the end of the bar I want the object to be trimmed to.
Use T to create a split but I can't select the trimmed object to the right to delete.

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