Will the AI soon take over everything?

How to do this, that and the other. Share, learn, teach. How did X do that? How can I sound like Y?


well, we know at least, ai wont be making idm...
for it has no beard to stroke!

punk could be fun, who doesnt fancy an anarchistic ai? :o

probably a lot of jazz :shrug: lots of chords that read like equations.


I heard a great quote the other day. "A plagiarist is someone who steals from someone else. An artist is someone who steals from everybody."


funky lime wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2023 12:26 pm
enroe wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2023 7:20 am
With ChatGPT, there is already an AI that can write a good text
on any given topic.
i see you've never used chatgpt. i'd never take anything it says as gospel without manually fact checking every last bit of it. which kind of defeats the purpose ... and that's been my experience with the "ai-assisted" plugins too. i generally find the decisions they make to miss the forest for the trees.

it is confident. not necessarily competent. but then, that's probably a number of us, too.
I recently asked ChatGPT about a novel I was reading. In particular, on which page a character dies. ChatGPT informed me that this character didn't exist in the book, and asked me if I maybe meant another book by that author? :-?
A well-behaved signature.


Not a chance


JerGoertz wrote: Sun Aug 06, 2023 9:38 pm I recently asked ChatGPT about a novel I was reading. In particular, on which page a character dies. ChatGPT informed me that this character didn't exist in the book, and asked me if I maybe meant another book by that author? :-?
I've seen multiple articles where someone used ChatGPT and it claimed they had died. Sometimes it gave very specific information for dates and causes of death, sometimes it was evasive. In one example, it provided a URL for a newspaper obituary -- of course the link didn't go to a valid URL. In one case it apologized and said the information came from a database, and there had been widespread rumors of the person's death (there had not been). In other cases it insisted that the person was dead when they tried to correct it.


foosnark wrote: Mon Aug 07, 2023 4:48 pm I've seen multiple articles where someone used ChatGPT and it claimed they had died. Sometimes it gave very specific information for dates and causes of death, sometimes it was evasive. In one example, it provided a URL for a newspaper obituary -- of course the link didn't go to a valid URL. In one case it apologized and said the information came from a database, and there had been widespread rumors of the person's death (there had not been). In other cases it insisted that the person was dead when they tried to correct it.
I believe such errant nonsense is described as ChatGPT "hallucinating" :lol:
A well-behaved signature.


ai hallucination could lead to interesting music that maybe no human would ever think to create. You can already get some fascinating, actually somewhat unique art from midjourney because of it.

I see it like analog tape. back before digital was an option, many hated the imperfections and artifacts and idiosyncrasies of tape at the time. now people pay good money for plugins to emulate those same maddening artifacts because now that they are optional, they are fashionable. in a post-ai world, we might find nostalgic appeal in "vintage ai hallucination" plugins and algorithms.

when i hallucinate, i certainly make music that is a big departure from my usual crap. hallucination is cooler when you aren't too hung up on facts or logic. maybe it's the same for ai?


it'll go after the mastering engineers before anyone else, that's what I heard


funky lime wrote: Tue Aug 08, 2023 10:54 am when i hallucinate, i certainly make music that is a big departure from my usual crap. hallucination is cooler when you aren't too hung up on facts or logic. maybe it's the same for ai?
What do you use to hallucinate? You don't need to say if you're concerned about "The Man" breathing down your neck... :oops:

I've been looking into DMT and magic 'shrooms. Maybe LSD but it seems that repeated usage might not be good for you.
A well-behaved signature.


JerGoertz wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2023 3:29 am
funky lime wrote: Tue Aug 08, 2023 10:54 am when i hallucinate, i certainly make music that is a big departure from my usual crap. hallucination is cooler when you aren't too hung up on facts or logic. maybe it's the same for ai?
What do you use to hallucinate? You don't need to say if you're concerned about "The Man" breathing down your neck... :oops:

I've been looking into DMT and magic 'shrooms. Maybe LSD but it seems that repeated usage might not be good for you.
After having tried a bunch of things over the years, my go-to is now to microdose psilocybin, like very small doses (a few tenths of a gram). I grind up a tiny amount (about 1/4 to 1/2 tsp after grinding), soak in lemon juice for about fifteen minutes, pour some hot tea over it, and enjoy. More therapeutic/medicinal than recreational—just enough to hover a few inches off the ground, not enough to fly away; macro dosing is a young person's game 8) Although a friend recently gave me a pack of gummies to try ...

DMT is interesting, easily among the most extraterrestrial (i.e. didn't feel like it came from my own human mind) experiences I've ever had, but way too intense for me these days. LSD lasts way too long for my tastes, never tried to microdose it though. A programmer friend used to rave about micro lsd for long coding sessions.


it will.
no more moneys for
musicians, architects, photographers, actors n actresses, graphic designers, novelists, journalists
and probably a lot of others more. its just a matter of time of a very short period.
but i will continue making my own stuff and call it a underground resistance thing ^^


"but i will continue making my own stuff"

me too
but i'm not worried about "true" ai at all
i'm like "nuh uh, not in this lifetime"
i'm more worried about staying healthy and...
like barry gibb sang, "staying alive stayiiiiiing aliiiiive"
ah böwakawa poussé poussé


anttimaatteri wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2023 8:54 pm it will.
no more moneys for
musicians, architects, photographers, actors n actresses, graphic designers, novelists, journalists
and probably a lot of others more. its just a matter of time of a very short period.
but i will continue making my own stuff and call it a underground resistance thing ^^
Loved your response.
Gave it a :tu:
The human spirit is alive and well!
Resistance is futile.


anttimaatteri wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2023 8:54 pm no more moneys for
musicians, architects, photographers, actors n actresses, graphic designers, novelists, journalists
When the camera was invented, there were people decrying it as a soulless machine that would destroy art. Instead photography was eventually recognized as an art form in itself, sometimes combined with painting techniques, and spawned additional forms -- collage, motion pictures, music videos...

When the phonograph was invented there were people protesting that it was going to put musicians out of work and ruin the experience of going to the theater. Instead a whole new music industry exploded and entirely new forms of music became possible. And yet it didn't kill live music!

Synths and samplers in the 70s and 80s were also going to put a lot of musicians out of business. Why hire an orchestra anymore when one person with a couple of keyboards can do the job? Likewise "drum machines have no soul" and all that...


a record can't empty your bank account and fill your search history with questionable links, for insulting it!

be careful how you critique the robots :borg:

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