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Anything about MUSIC but doesn't fit into the forums above.


I'm wondering: is it possible to make a MIDI-plugin that does the same/something similar as BubbleBlower?
You load a MIDI-file which is then torn apart. Inskip-controls, Grain-duration, random transpose, quantize-amount, things like that.

Groet, Erik
Pop music delenda est.


MIDI granulation ?!? what a GREAT idea ...

slainte :hyper: rob


spacedad wrote:oh,just thinking,i need a step sequencer-type thing for my 4 year-old.big buttons,which change into cars or lions,pitch sliders etc.colurful etc.not much about for 4 year-olds.
Hey, I like that idea - I've never written software for children before, but that sounds like a really cool project :). PM me with the details and we can talk.
kodama wrote:How about a 4 Op FM synth with a nice interface and repeating envelopes and easy GUI with an arp, you know, something like.....
Yeah, like I said in the first post, I'm really not a DSP guru - I'd do a terrible job of a synth like that (it would sound bad, it would alias, the filters wouldn't be too great...).
tetraplan wrote:I'm wondering: is it possible to make a MIDI-plugin that does the same/something similar as BubbleBlower?
You load a MIDI-file which is then torn apart. Inskip-controls, Grain-duration, random transpose, quantize-amount, things like that.
Hmm... I'm not sure - it sounds like it could be a lot of work, what with handling all those MIDI messages, quantising them (and randomly un-quantising other ones), keeping track of previously-sent NoteOn messages so it remembers to send the corresponding NoteOff... The VST standard doesn't really make this kind of thing particularly easy, in my experience... :(

- Niall.


hope you keep your site always on, and bringing new plugs, i like your plugins, .. keep it "simple", "small"
and good.. , bidule, audiomulch , ableton are examples of aplications with nice plugs, hope to see more like that on vst


NiallM wrote:
tetraplan wrote:I'm wondering: is it possible to make a MIDI-plugin that does the same/something similar as BubbleBlower?
You load a MIDI-file which is then torn apart. Inskip-controls, Grain-duration, random transpose, quantize-amount, things like that.
Hmm... I'm not sure - it sounds like it could be a lot of work, what with handling all those MIDI messages, quantising them (and randomly un-quantising other ones), keeping track of previously-sent NoteOn messages so it remembers to send the corresponding NoteOff... The VST standard doesn't really make this kind of thing particularly easy, in my experience... :(

- Niall.
I've allways wondered why there wasn't something like this. You may just have explained why.

Groet, Erik
Pop music delenda est.


NiallM wrote:Huh... I never knew the source was available for the PVOC stuff. I use the pvTranspose plugin frequently myself :). Give me a couple of days to look at how easy it'll be to integrate the code into a plugin of my own and I'll get back to you.
Sorry it took me more than a couple of days to get back to you shamann, but I had a play with the pv plugins source code, and I reckon I should be able to do this, if you're still interested...

- Niall.


NiallM wrote:Sorry it took me more than a couple of days to get back to you shamann, but I had a play with the pv plugins source code, and I reckon I should be able to do this, if you're still interested...
I'm definitely in. Maybe pm me with the details of what you had in mind (and donation mechanism, I see no paypal link on site).

I've thought of a few refinements to this idea, too.

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