One Synth Challenge #105 - Thorn by Dmitry Sches (J. Ruegg Wins!)

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Instruments Discussion
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DS Audio Thorn


Ahoy! I just did an update to my track and reuploaded it on SC. (all stats and comments are lost of course) Thanks to version 1.05 it was done fairly quickly since the issue about not loading patches correctly was solved in this version.

No new instances, plugins or FX. Just tweaking, EQing, panning and placed toms on different note range. I also made my detuned section more noticeable to make sound it more intentional than accidentally :ud:
YT | SC | FB | IG | earror :ud: KO :ud:


TheNeverScene wrote:Well, my track may not be done, but I sure am!! :)

Additional FX: PTEq-X,GClip,TDR Feedback Compressor II, TDR Kotelnikov, Pancake 2, MidiPolysher, Acon Digital Multiplier, JS Bass Manager, OrilRiver, ReaEQ, Tal Filter 2, Transpire, Bass Professor II, OTT, Limiter No6, UnLimited
May I kindly ask you TheNeverScene, to review the fx rules and the use of Acon Digital Multiplier (Chorus) and Bass Professor II ("Dirt", distortion)
Last edited by ] Peter:H [ on Wed Nov 29, 2017 6:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.


ok sure, as long as I can use the Drop, fiedler audio stage, Millennia NSEQ-2 and AudioThing OuterSpace...?

jeebuz guys. love you and all, but we might as well rename the competition to the "One Synth Drowning in a Bunch of Third Party Effects Challenge"

Personally, i think the rules need to be reviewed to stop the use of ANYTHING other than the fecking synth.

I know i'm a grumpy bastard, but I'm also a keen synthesiser enthusiast. I think were very lucky in that this month we have at our disposal some of the most lovely effects featured on a software synthesiser. And if one month a synth comes with no effects, then i'd really like to hear what people do with the synth to counteract that limitation. I mean, it's a challenge after all isn't it?


] Peter:H [ wrote:
May I kindly ask you TheNeverScene, to review the fx rules and the use of Acon Digital Multiplier (Chorus) and Bass Professor II ("Dirt", distortion)
Hi Peter,

Yeah, you're right on the Acon Multiplier. I only used one instance on the "horn" bus using the dimension setting just for some space, no heavy modulation, but I could probably do without it, so thanks for catching that.

As for Bass Professor 2, it only adds dirt if you set it to add dirt. I only use it as a sort of multiband compressor/eq and if it started to add dirt I backed it's a fine line, but the few instances I used it, the dirt slider is at zero and the processing slider is used sparingly. I've seen it used in OSC in the past, so I figured if it isn't abused it is acceptable. Any audible dirt is coming from Thorn...and bad mixing :)

Just a touch of EQ and a tickle of compression


sqigls wrote:ok sure, as long as I can use the Drop, fiedler audio stage, Millennia NSEQ-2 and AudioThing OuterSpace...?

jeebuz guys. love you and all, but we might as well rename the competition to the "One Synth Drowning in a Bunch of Third Party Effects Challenge"

Personally, i think the rules need to be reviewed to stop the use of ANYTHING other than the fecking synth.

I know i'm a grumpy bastard, but I'm also a keen synthesiser enthusiast. I think were very lucky in that this month we have at our disposal some of the most lovely effects featured on a software synthesiser. And if one month a synth comes with no effects, then i'd really like to hear what people do with the synth to counteract that limitation. I mean, it's a challenge after all isn't it?
Come on, man. What's that all about? Lol. I think we are all synthesiZer enthusiasts. Pretty sure everyone agrees that Thorn is incredible. I don't think a handful of vst's used mainly on buses qualifies as "drowning". I love the built in FX, but not so much the eq and compressor, so if they didn't get me where I was trying to go, I'd try something else.

Anyways, great track. Thought your first version was great, not sure what changed in the second, but still great nonetheless.

Just a touch of EQ and a tickle of compression


sqigls wrote: Personally, i think the rules need to be reviewed to stop the use of ANYTHING other than the fecking synth.
Personally I think that would lead to a lack of participation and some abysmal tracks.
The synths are not designed to stand alone without any type of eq or compression or other mixing type tools. Some synths don't even come with the ability to even pan.
So a bunch of sounds all stuck in the center with no ability to even carve out conflicting frequencies, sounds like a mess waiting to happen to me.

But nothing at all prevents you from submitting a track with zero 3rd party effects you know right?
You want that kind of challenge then go for it.
Why the desire to try and dictate how others who are satisfied with the current rule set should compose their submissions? Why not instead show the rest of us how great a track can be by using nothing but the given synth? People have done similar before. The voting can help determine how great an idea that is.

Maybe since it is all supposedly just about the synth we should be provided the midi patterns to use as well? No sense having any creativity with something like composition since it is supposedly all just about the one synth.
Or perhaps the contest is about more than just the single synth?

And while here the rules clearly state:
From the official rules page wrote: Distortion: Please use distortion / tape saturation / bit crushing sparingly. Use your best judgement. Try to keep the original sound recognizable.
So even if a bit of 'dirt' from Bass Professor II plugin had been used, how is it against the rules? People use saturation (which is mild distortion) quite often with nary a comment raised.
Win10 x64, Reaper 6.XX x64, i5-3330, 8gb ram, GTX-970, UC-33, Panorama P4, Wharfedale Diamond 8.2 and JVC HA-RX700


Frostline wrote:
And while here the rules clearly state:
From the official rules page wrote: Distortion: Please use distortion / tape saturation / bit crushing sparingly. Use your best judgement. Try to keep the original sound recognizable.
So even if a bit of 'dirt' from Bass Professor II plugin had been used, how is it against the rules? People use saturation (which is mild distortion) quite often with nary a comment raised.
As you can read on your own, I have asked the user for a self evaluation of his use of the fx. Is this okay for you? Defensive enough!? Shall I not ask at all? Don't care about the rules anymore? Seems like the rules is just nothing to be worried about...


I have a submission for OSC105 with that wonderful creative thing called the Thorn...
I can't wait to hear how the rest of you have interpreted this new synth.. :tu:

Like my last entry there is ofc a little story :wink:
Crawling out of some tent>> OMG Glastonbury festival.. how the Ffff did I get here... now the wind blows sounds into my ears... staggering across the fields, trying to decide which stage to visit... BTW>> none of this is from memory.. I hope you understand that.. hahahaha.. Oh and it loops well for that "Groundhog day" effect!!!!

12 x Thorn VSTi >> lot of Arp or moddulation used ;))))
2 x Nova EQ
2x JB_Broadcast
1 x epicVerb
1 x OrliRiver Reverb
1 x VOS_Rescue
1 x Limiter6
And some experimental work with free Reaper JS ATK (Ambisonics Tool Kit)on 4 tracks ... ide-osc105
I forgot to mention.. at most there are only 3 tracks(maybe 4 instances of Thorn) playing at any one time.. sometimes just 1 Thorn is doing all the work.. yeah toonertik the slave driver :hyper:
Last edited by toonertik on Wed Nov 29, 2017 10:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.


toonertik wrote: I forgot to mention.. at most there are only 3 tracks(maybe 4 instances of Thorn) playing at any one time.. sometimes just 1 Thorn is doing all the work.. yeah toonertik the slave driver :hyper:
Haven't I challenged you to do a Single-Finger-One-Key-Press-Song...mission almost completed ;-)


] Peter:H [ wrote:[
As you can read on your own, I have asked the user for a self evaluation of his use of the fx. Is this okay for you? Defensive enough!? Shall I not ask at all? Don't care about the rules anymore? Seems like the rules is just nothing to be worried about...
Interesting, you make a public comment about the use of a plugin and then when a member of the public (me) provides their opinion of the public comment it somehow translates into questioning if I care about rules at all.
I quoted the rule and provided my interpretation of it. Am I not allowed to do so?
If you wished your questioning of a constant's useage of a plugin to be free of public comment would it have not have been better to make that question in private?
Seems to me making the comment in public it invites the public to also comment.
Or are only you allowed to question things or give their opinion?
You seemed to imply that there could be a rule violation by using BPII.
I gave my opinion that the use of BPII fell within the rules.
All either of use can provide is our opinion since neither of us run the show.
Just having a differing opinion from you does not make me defensive. Sounds to me more an issue of projection, but again that is just my opinion.
Win10 x64, Reaper 6.XX x64, i5-3330, 8gb ram, GTX-970, UC-33, Panorama P4, Wharfedale Diamond 8.2 and JVC HA-RX700


] Peter:H [ wrote:
toonertik wrote: I forgot to mention.. at most there are only 3 tracks(maybe 4 instances of Thorn) playing at any one time.. sometimes just 1 Thorn is doing all the work.. yeah toonertik the slave driver :hyper:
Haven't I challenged you to do a Single-Finger-One-Key-Press-Song...mission almost completed ;-)
:lol: Yes you did... I cheated.. I used 2 fingers :P
toonertik quicky withdraws one finger.. just in case Peter has his knife out.. :wink:


Frostline wrote:
] Peter:H [ wrote:[
As you can read on your own, I have asked the user for a self evaluation of his use of the fx. Is this okay for you? Defensive enough!? Shall I not ask at all? Don't care about the rules anymore? Seems like the rules is just nothing to be worried about...
Interesting, you make a public comment about the use of a plugin and then when a member of the public (me) provides their opinion of the public comment it somehow translates into questioning if I care about rules at all.
I quoted the rule and provided my interpretation of it. Am I not allowed to do so?
If you wished your questioning of a constant's useage of a plugin to be free of public comment would it have not have been better to make that question in private?
Seems to me making the comment in public it invites the public to also comment.
Or are only you allowed to question things or give their opinion?
You seemed to imply that there could be a rule violation by using BPII.
I gave my opinion that the use of BPII fell within the rules.
All either of use can provide is our opinion since neither of us run the show.
Just having a differing opinion from you does not make me defensive. Sounds to me more an issue of projection, but again that is just my opinion.
I repeat - I have asked the user to do an self evaluation of his use of the plugin. I can ask this question, right? He did this self evaluation and explained things. All why bother Frostline? Had a bad day?


toonertik wrote:
] Peter:H [ wrote:
toonertik wrote: I forgot to mention.. at most there are only 3 tracks(maybe 4 instances of Thorn) playing at any one time.. sometimes just 1 Thorn is doing all the work.. yeah toonertik the slave driver :hyper:
Haven't I challenged you to do a Single-Finger-One-Key-Press-Song...mission almost completed ;-)
:lol: Yes you did... I cheated.. I used 2 fingers :P
toonertik quicky withdraws one finger.. just in case Peter has his knife out.. :wink:
Still cool track, "even if it's two fingers" :hyper: :tu:
It's really such a fun/capable synth with all the features...and your track tells part of this story.


] Peter:H [ wrote: I repeat - I have asked the user to do an self evaluation of his use of the plugin. I can ask this question, right? He did this self evaluation and explained things. All why bother Frostline? Had a bad day?
Why bother? Basically because I (as a member in good standing on the forum) am allowed to post on any topic under discussion.
Why do you feel the need to question why I choose to post or not?
The irony of then calling me defensive for sharing an opinion and then further questioning the quality of my day as a potential reason for posting at all is quite delicious.
I had a personal opinion of the use of said plugin and shared that opinion to the forum(as is allowed within the forum rules). That is the way forums work. People are allowed to state their opinion. And guess what? Brace yourself, but not everyone is going to agree with your opinion on things Peter. And those that disagree with you are under no obligation to explain themselves to you for disagreeing. I have done so only out of sense of politeness. But I will not field any more questions from you as to my reasoning for posting on any subject and I will continue to post when and how I see fit.
Win10 x64, Reaper 6.XX x64, i5-3330, 8gb ram, GTX-970, UC-33, Panorama P4, Wharfedale Diamond 8.2 and JVC HA-RX700


] Peter:H [ wrote: Still cool track, "even if it's two fingers" :hyper: :tu:
It's really such a fun/capable synth with all the features...and your track tells part of this story.
Thanx Peter
yes my track only tells part of this story>> that is why I am excited to be involved and to see how others have used this tool ..
BTW... I heard the Thorn talk to me..
I am still waiting for her to say>> "I love you " .. is that possible Peter?.. I wait but not hold my breath :hihi:

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