Oatmeal 38-1 (hacky unison added)

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Cygnus X-1 wrote:Any hopes of updating the GJ skins to reflect the recent update in the filter section?
I've been waiting to see GJ chime in here as well. Hopefully he has some time because it would probably take some work to get the new filter section crammed into the current design. That series of skins is so beautiful and functional that it's going to be hard to go back to the default oatmeal skin.


what needs updated? i can see what i can do.


I've always thought your synth is really sweet. Now even better!

Wanted to let you know that if I use the two latest versions of Oatmeal with the Wusik Vst Manager 122d, Tracktion 3046 crashes after I've loaded an Oatmeal preset and move to the next preset.

I've cataloged about 40 synths with WVM 122d and have not had this problem with any of those synths.

Any ideas on what could be causing this?
D Scarlatti, Dell XPS8700 i7/8gb mem/1tb hd/Steiny UR22/Presonus ER5s/Nektar LX61 kbd ctrlr/Win 10 Pro/S1 4.6/ my music here: https://www.magix.info/us/profile/my-profile/media/


grymmjack wrote:what needs updated? i can see what i can do.
Read Fuzzpliz post above about the update to the filter section and how it affects the old skins.


cygnus; i must be blind as i dont see it/cant find it


Fuzzpilz wrote:Hello. Quick update: found and fixed a bug involving all-notes-off messages that was causing some trouble for Sonar users; also, some more filter changes. You can now use the two filters in series as well as in parallel, and you can set the second filter's type separately. The default behaviour for that is to just use the same type as the first filter, so old patches will work just the same without adjustment. Old skins, unfortunately, will be missing the third switch state for the filter doubling switch (it'll work, but they'll just display the "on" frame for both parallel and serial modes), and of course won't have the second filter type switch at all.
Grymmjack, here's the said post, one page before. :P



ok. so just a mod needs to be made in one file? that doesn't sound so bad. let me have a look guys.

also, maybe i'll fix that arp while i'm in there.

dont know when it will be done - really racing to get some concepts in for work presentation but i do promise i'll give it my best to deliver asap.


Thank you, Mr Jack


ok dudes i've updated all my skins - not any that anyone else did based on mine though.

i've included the src updates in a file too - it's 20 meg, sorry too lazy to bother compressing it further/optimizing the zip.

grab here:

http://designermonkey.rekkerd.org/downl ... s/oatmeal/

the skins arp-bug is still there, and i couldn't figure out what was wrong. no time to deep dive into it.



dont download the new src yet - it's still uploading going to take about 15 mins. since time of this post.


the new version looks like this:

that's as seamless as i could integrate it.


oh btw, if you want to change the default bank just save a new oatmeal bank named oatmealprs.dat overwriting the file that already exists wherever you have it installed to whatever bank you want. in my case i used anns bank (it's lovely).

nice work fuzpils, thanks for not abandoning this great instrument.


oh last thing- all flavors are updated; blueberry, slate, lime, maple and brown sugar (and excited), and renoise_owns.


grymmjack wrote:the new version looks like this:

that's as seamless as i could integrate it.
Dude, you are the man. I didn't think the new filter options could fit in there without a major rearrange but you pulled it off. Thank you.



That, my friends, is service.

Big props to both grymm and fuzz. Thanks for updating an already great instrument and GUI.
Now Somewhat Retired

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