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At this point I would recommend

Code: Select all

make -j2; make install;
If that gives you issues, you can always

Code: Select all

make clean; make -j2; make install;
as you'll only be out about 5 minutes if you have to start the build process from the beginning.

If you really wanted to be crafty and do the pull and build in one command, you could do something like this to update and launch the latest version in one command: :phones:

Code: Select all

# Updates lmms git repo, builds and launches the latest version
cd /home/tres/lmms; git remote update; git pull; cd build; cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../target; make -j2; make install; ../target/bin/lmms;
What I've noticed is sometimes these updates require new dependencies, which can snag you.



Thanks for your patience with me, Tres!
I did a "make clean" before doing the "make -j2" and "make install" and all went perfectly good. ;)

I was looking at Triple Oscillator again today, and I noticed that my pitch bend wheel is set to one semi-tone. Is there a way to adjust that in Triple Oscillator? If not, that would be a good addition, imho...

Also, is it correct that LMMS doesn't support external .lv2 instruments? I see only ladspa mentioned..

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The pitch bend can be tweaked with that LED number 1 labeled "Range". It's a bit confusing sitting next to the FX like that, but that's the one you want.
Also, is it correct that LMMS doesn't support external .lv2 instruments? I see only ladspa mentioned..
Let me get back to you on that...


briandc wrote:Also, is it correct that LMMS doesn't support external .lv2 instruments?
Here's what one of the devs says about LV2 support:
Pgib was working on it, but apparently he wants to finish building the
new rt-safe core before implementing LV2 support. I don't think anyone
else is currently working on LV2 support, and the new rt-safe core is a
really big project requiring tons of changes in core LMMS and pretty
much all of the plugins, so it's not going to happen anytime soon.

LinuxVST support could well happen sooner though. Also here's an
interesting thing: I heard the author of Carla (a Linux plugin host that
supports both VST and LV2 plugins) is planning on making a VST version
of it, which would mean that if we implement LinuxVST support, we could
then use Carla as a VST plugin, which would function as a bridge for LV2
plugins and we could use LV2 plugins in LMMS that way...


Don't know how that led got by me... :D

Yes, I suppose utilizing Carla in LMMS would be just as good a solution. I use Carla for lots of plugins, so that would be a useful bridge indeed.

I'm curious to know, what's "rt-safe core" about?

Tired of Windows? Linux offers hundreds of good distros. For more info:
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I'm not positive, but I think rt-safe core is special code to allow LMMS to run in a real-time (low-latency) kernel, but that is just a guess.



tresf wrote:@briandc,

I'm not positive, but I think rt-safe core is special code to allow LMMS to run in a real-time (low-latency) kernel, but that is just a guess.

Strange, because I have used LMMS on my destop pc with low-latency kernel till now with no apparent problems!

Tired of Windows? Linux offers hundreds of good distros. For more info:
Some good synths for linux: www.linuxsynths.com


Yeah, I'd fathom an issue or an enhancement is underway, but that's just a guess. I did a quick search on the bug tracker and couldn't find anything obvious in regards to the term "rt-safe".


I checked the pitchbend as you suggested, but I actually don't see a "range" adjustment in the fx section of Triple Oscillator. I found "range" controls on the arpeggiator and chord sections, but they don't adjust the pitch bend wheel.

Tired of Windows? Linux offers hundreds of good distros. For more info:
Some good synths for linux: www.linuxsynths.com


briandc wrote:I checked the pitchbend as you suggested, but I actually don't see a "range" adjustment in the fx section of Triple Oscillator. I found "range" controls on the arpeggiator and chord sections, but they don't adjust the pitch bend wheel.


Its in a confusing spot...



Is this on the new git version? The standard version was the one I was looking at, and it doesn't have that range window..

Tired of Windows? Linux offers hundreds of good distros. For more info:
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briandc wrote:Is this on the new git version? The standard version was the one I was looking at, and it doesn't have that range window..

@Brian, yes git version, sorry!


oook! I'm glad to see they're adding that range function, it'll be very useful.

Oh, another BIG request: a random button! (to randomize the settings). It's a great way to come up with new sounds!
I don't know how difficult it would be to implement, not all synths have one, but it's very very useful, imo..

Tired of Windows? Linux offers hundreds of good distros. For more info:
Some good synths for linux: www.linuxsynths.com


Oh, another BIG request: a random button!
Yes, SFXR has this and it's tremendously useful.

I'll make recommendation on this today.



tresf wrote:
Oh, another BIG request: a random button!
Yes, SFXR has this and it's tremendously useful.

I'll make recommendation on this today.

Great, thanks! With millions of sound combinations on synths like this one, I don't mind if they call me "lazy." :D

Tired of Windows? Linux offers hundreds of good distros. For more info:
Some good synths for linux: www.linuxsynths.com

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