On the verge of thinking about debating the merits of making music involving a computer and software

Audio Plugin Hosts and other audio software applications discussion


LawrenceF wrote:Yeah, I didn't expect "singer songwriter" to be taken as everybody.

To me, a "singer songwriter" is a person who spends hours every day doing that, with a guitar or a piano mostly, not assembling songs in daws. Their focus is on touching people with their music emotionally, first and foremost. After that, the really great arranger guy or production team steps in and adds great strings or drums or whatever for the record.

A great song really doesn't need anything but a good singer and a piano and a guitar to be great. All of the other stuff isn't really songwriting, it's "record production". :)

And of course, that also certainly doesn't apply to genres where technology is a necessary ingredient and often enough nobody is singing anything anyway.
but performing is not the only to present your music now, does that make one less of a singer/songwriter? It does me because I really do not think I'm a good enough singer to do my pieces justice. :hihi: I could just as easily say all I need is a guitar and there are plenty examples of that out there too of that from others.

You see all I am saying is that it doesn't hurt to learn more and expand one's horizons. I based my response on the one statement saying you suggest singer/songwriters should try hard to avoid getting bit by the DAW bug as if it's a negative thing and I am sorry but I just do not agree. I think that was very blanketed and maybe it's not as cut and dry as that (that's why I started with "perhaps for you")

My standards are likely far lower than yours as I often find music online by people just like us that I am very impressed with. I also find that I often learn a lot from that as well, I would list some of that but I dont want to leave people out. Suffice it to say that there is a lot of talent right here on KvR and all over the internet. You will also find a lot that leaves quite a bit to be desired, such is life...still I like things now a whole lot more than pre-internet days. I will quote you " It only applies where it applies." :)
The highest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another's world. It requires profound, purpose‐larger‐than‐the‐self kind of understanding.


Singer/songwriter is a set definition, not a 4-page nitpicking heaven.
Cats are intended to teach us that not everything in nature has a function | http://soundcloud.com/bmoorebeats


LawrenceF wrote:it's a lot of somebodies. :)
I'm sure you're right. And I'm sure somebody could read this and the lightbulb goes on in their head and they quit buying plugins :D


jancivil wrote:
LawrenceF wrote:it's a lot of somebodies. :)
I'm sure you're right. And I'm sure somebody could read this and the lightbulb goes on in their head and they quit buying plugins :D
besides getting my cousin's plugins for free I have not had any 3rd party plugins for ages, I can't remember the last one I bought. I went through that whole "gotta have as many plugins as possible" thing long ago. I reached a point where my host had/has all I need and I started questioning whether or not I was buying them (or getting them free) because I needed them or because I listened to the hype and didn't want to miss out.

Buying AVOX in 2005 (not AVOX 2) and never having a decent use or decent result with it opened my eyes. I vowed not to waste money like that again, the gravy is it means less installing too :tu:
The highest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another's world. It requires profound, purpose‐larger‐than‐the‐self kind of understanding.


I have by far more free ones that I'm not all that likely to use. I just deleted a bunch. I never felt that acquistive about it. I sometimes find something has a sound that is very different than what I have. I'm tight with money.
I think one could get Komplete and be more or less done with it. But I was being cute: on a plugins forum, it's bad for business to talk like that.

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