New product: Ethnotronics available

Official support for:


If it's like any other wusikstation sampleset, you go to the / folder and the /wusikstation data folder.

The samplesets (samples) go in the /soundsets folder and the presets go in the /presets folder. Re-start wusik and have fun.

I am surprised there is no installer.


P.S. Anyone in BITR want to send me ethnotronics in trade for music demos (he he he).


Thanks, karmacomposer. What's confusing me is the structure. The first folder is ET_General Instruments and its all wusiksnd files. Then there are a number of files for like "wind" "synthetics." So I guess my question is should the soundset files all be unzipped to the same file or should they be kept in their subfolders? Or does it not really make a difference and depends upon preference?



If I were you, I would make a folder within /samplesets called /ethnotronics

In that /ethnotronics folder, I would move all .wusikSND files without folders.

Then in /presets I would make a folder called /ethnotronics and move all WusikPRST files into that folder.

Run wusik.

When you navigate to the /ethnotronics folder using the preset browser (click on the name of the preset to bring up that browser) and click on a ethnotronics preset, wusik will automatically search for the required samples. Once it finds them, most, if not all, of your presets will now work just fine.



Thanks, karmacomposer. Makes sense.


Full-size screen shots of all 3 flavors of the ET skins can be found here:

The pic at the start of this thread is not real size, and looks crappy to me! (KPR! Use one of mine)



Hi Bryan, actually I took one from your site, it's this here ... _ezg_2.gif

Should I replace it with another one?

Please send a PM to Julia, I've instructed her to send you the ET, but got the mail bounced. Perhaps mail account change?

Guys, celebrate Bryan's skin work!! He's the founder of the flat skins for ws-engine and did an ET skin set to die for :)

Take care

-Sound Research & Development-


Sorry Klause. Maybe KVR now auto-resizes images. I haven't been around here in awhile, so I have no idea what's up.
I just checked it.
No $#! resizes...we never had that problem before. That's a BIG problem. For DEV's that want to show their software in it's real, native resolution, yes, this is bad. I'm sure KVR have a good reason for doing it, but... Damn!

-Sound Research & Development-



Just to be sure, ET and the skins are for Wusik V1/V2?
I'm already on V4 so I think there could be some problems.


I don't know about the WS4 skin compared to the WS2 very much, so I should ask William about. Perhaps someone else can report any problems. The SoundSets are working with any WS engine, as far as we know. Concerning the stereo data handling it shouldn't be a problem either. Currently we're providing the L and R channels separatly, this works for all WS versions. I heard that a new WS version can combine them to a stereo file. And as we have all stereo files in original it's no problem to supply them too if there is the demand. To keep the L and R files then makes sense though, for slightly different sound characters as well as for faster loading.

If someone can report anything unnormal when loading ET SoundSets with WS4 we can always locate things and find a solution. Brian did the skins, he should get a WS4 to check the function.

Thanks for your input, PhilG!





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