Sylenth1 64bit update to OSX???

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noiseprovesnothing wrote:
tehlord wrote:
TheoM wrote:Read that too many times and its not an answer. Code logic for windows or something exactly like it and I will. !

It's called Cubase :wink:
Nah, Cubase's interface isn't nearly as cryptic, and they had the sense to put in a drum editor. ;)
And no straightforward way to sidechain or freeze in place. Bahhh!


tehlord wrote:
TheoM wrote:Read that too many times and its not an answer. Code logic for windows or something exactly like it and I will. !

It's called Cubase :wink:
well it's second, but it's alot more convoluted than logic. i did use it exclusively for 3.5 years though between logic windows getting abandoned and me moving to mac. but my love for logic was so strong that i changed everything, my entire way of working to go back to it. I mean a new very expensive machine, a new OS.. big change.

I know a few friends did the same thing.. "I tried everything - i didn't want to move and give apple the satisfaction - but i realised i just don't enjoy working without logic, the host is very important, so i switched and i couldn't be happier again".

That's how i feel.. if i moved PLATFORMS for a SINGLE program.. do you really think when people say to me, you're on a mac that's your problem, i do anything other than look at them and laugh? I mean seriously :lol:

The host is what we spend the majority of our time with. That is what we need to feel we are not fighting with but know it inside out and every function and feel comfortable. Even writing this has just reinforced for me how much i love logic and how well i know it.. The only thing that would make me quit it is if apple dumped it. Seriously. And then i'd work it till it didn't work no more.


noiseprovesnothing wrote:
liquidsound wrote:[
I don't own logic but I did try it recently but it's not for me. For me using a Mac was like living on an island. No thanks.

I need to play, and it's already a challenge in today's world. And on top of it we need to beg to have something ported to a MAC just because we like to think different? ]
Most worthwhile softsynths, effects and even DAWs are cross platform. The two most glaring exceptions I can think of (other than SynthEdit stuff) are FL Studio and Cakewalk Sonar. What developers have you been begging to?

(EDIT: Sylenth? Don't hold your breath. Plenty of worthwhile alternatives at its price point.)

If you look at the list in my signature, that's a partial list of the software I use, including 4 DAWs and dozens of softsynths and effects from some of the best developers in the business. It's hardly an island, and it merits mentioning industry standard DAWs like Pro Tools were on the Mac long before the PC - in the case of Pro Tools, a full 8 years.

At the end of the day, the computer is just a tool, nothing more. Use what you like. With that said, I'll reiterate the Mac platform is far from an island.
What can I say....
Be happy :D
MuLab of course :D


Heh, i can only imagine what a person being a mac fanatic and whose favourite software in the whole wide World is Energy XT and Sylenth1 is going through...


Hey David.. Energy Xt 2 is same on mac no? unless you mean version 1.

I can't see a reason for someone to be "stuck to mac" unless they are using apple ONLY products.. i love the OS yes, but ultimately we are creating MUSIC, so i would think no matter what, the host is always number one consideration for the buyer to choose their platform. I'd have to be a numb nutz not to be on windows if i was using studio one for example.. better performance than mac version, hardware costs half the price, even though i love the finder and OSX itself..

Pro tools is a 50/50, very similar on both, some are now saying reaper the same.

Now just to put something in perspective, the 32 bit NON beta sylenth works flawlessly even up to mountain lion and in ALL bit bridges i tested it in . I decided to sell it cause i had too many problems with sound banks made in the beta that wouldn't run..and in the process did eliminate my final 32 bit only plugin..

Lennard would not confirm with me how to convert or run the banks in the non beta.. you know.. cause of the memory leak of the non beta.. i also didn't mind it being 32 bit as it ran in it's own memory space.. it had 4gb dedicated JUST to itself (that's how the logic bridge works, ok, 3gb real). So since sylenth was the absolute only 32 bit plugin i had left, every instance would run in the bridge which is a separate process.. any instabilities would not bring logic down itself.. it doesn't bother me that much in this case that it's 32 bit. The problem is there is a point, 5 years on and no official non beta updates, where one must say is this dead? I'd be sinking money into banks etc (well ones that work) all the time if i had sylenth.. it's a bit of a money pit for me.. yet i feel some day it simply won't work any more.. who knows if it will even work in 10.9 around the corner :wink:

I think Lennard has a real people problem and i don't know why.

it's a shame that for many people here at KVR, and i have read this multiple times, that sylenth is the last product holding them from being 100% 64 bit on mac.


def that for me, the last 32bit plugin in my logic setup. wish there was a 64bit AU, and i could stop depending on the 32bit bridge (which, admittedly, in the current logic, is more stable than it used to be).

if this was an unpopular synth, no one would care. but...look at how many soundsets keep coming for it. i own a LOT...
and hope sylenth survives whatever comes next (ie the next logic...).


should we run a kickstarter page to collect money to make Sylenth1 come to 64 bits on osx?


chriselden wrote:should we run a kickstarter page to collect money to make Sylenth1 come to 64 bits on osx?
I'm sure Lennard would smile if he read this but he must be too busy coding.
Free banks for soft synths | |


I bet he's been sipping margaritas and chilling and besides the windows 8 bug fix hasn't done a line of coding in years :wink:

I have proof, someone with his talent would have at the very least fixed the osx bugs by now of the 32 bit version if be was spending any time coding.. You guys realise this right? Sylenth on mac is finished, I don't want people to be holding false hope. You either take it exactly as it is now or not at all.

It's impossible if Lennard was working on it even on a once a week basis not to have fixed the osx bugs in over four years, sensible deduction is my proof.


TheoM wrote:I bet he's been sipping margaritas and chilling and besides the windows 8 bug fix hasn't done a line of coding in years :wink:

I have proof, someone with his talent would have at the very least fixed the osx bugs by now of the 32 bit version if be was spending any time coding.. You guys realise this right? Sylenth on mac is finished, I don't want people to be holding false hope. You either take it exactly as it is now or not at all.

It's impossible if Lennard was working on it even on a once a week basis not to have fixed the osx bugs in over four years, sensible deduction is my proof.
seems sylenth is done for ALL platforms. have given up (altho i still peek at this forum, and feel the need to post LOL).
one of my absolute fave plugins; will use it as long as it works...


Sorry but wasn't there a windows 8 update released years more recently than any mac update?


TheoM wrote:Sorry but wasn't there a windows 8 update released years more recently than any mac update?
yes, but years AGO.... :(


I thought I read somewhere that Lennard WAS working on a 64-bit update for Sylenth for mac? Now you guys are saying that Sylenth is dead. Did I miss something?


supplementalsounds wrote:I thought I read somewhere that Lennard WAS working on a 64-bit update for Sylenth for mac? Now you guys are saying that Sylenth is dead. Did I miss something?
That's the problem with the internet. Somewhere you read the developer is working on it, here you read it is dead, because it has no 64-bit Mac version. If it works for you, then it's all good. I haven't updated 90 % of my plugin folder in years, most of the stuff hasn't been updated in years. Dead? You figure. :)


A funny thought!

Apple bought Sylenth1 for the new version of Logic (Logic X Pro). Thats why no new version has been released for Mac. How do you like them apples? :shock:

I defenatley buy the new Darth Vader trash bin (Mac pro) when it comes out :hihi:


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